Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I agree, you should lay down the irrational hatred of how people wishes to enjoy their game.

You already can have your fantasy, let them have their own.


You haven’t changed at all but your name… You’re still you.

They are High Elves.

I disagree with the notion that the Void Elves are the same race. They bleed a different color of blood.

Fair enough on that bit. However Blizzard has said that Alleria herself is a Void Elf now. So while they’re not as changed they may be changed still.

That they have the options on the Alliance side with a blander more standard elf compared to the Blood Elven story yes they would be reduced.

If it was just Void Elves and Blood Elves with high elves joining one or the other, we wouldn’t have this issue. As long as their aesthetics were still blood and void.

An unnatural black and white hair color for Void Elves would be great.

Again though, they had their eyes change color because of proximity to fel over time. Not because they siphoned it or not.

Blood Elves as a group did not feed on Fel magic.

As though it ever actually was.

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Because you fail to grasp the concept that someone activly resisting something is less susceptible than people who are activly using it.

found it!
And no, gnome women actually have some of the lowers options, they have less options than mechagnome women infact.

I said Goblin.

This isn’t reduction though. And I don’t want blood elf options on the alliance side, I’ve said this dozens of times.

whoops, my bad, I fail at readding :laughing:


Goblins have the 3rd/5th most customizations for a Horde race, and 7th/9th overall. So that person complaining about their customization is ridiculous, lol.

said midare as she stared in the mirror

Baby steps I guess

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I suppose, but their origination still stems from high elves (also Blood elves, more so).

I’m kinda meh on the hair color side of things, I wouldn’t mind having more cooler hair colors, but I’m more so wanting more hair void visuals then just tenticles.

No blondes though. :stuck_out_tongue:


If you guys want play with HE
just go horde and play with it

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Honestly they should ahve the void tendrils as a toggle option for all voidelf hairs, like the nightelf leaves. But, allied races are said to get new options later in the expansion so will have to wait their turn. We all know they will get more hair colours then anyway so no idea what this topic is even here for because its obviously coming anyway.

But really some of the standard races need more, like bloodelves espeically the men who didn’t even get jewlery, scars, or warpaints…
Infact Bloodelf men got less than what voidelf men got which is crazy.

Which is sad I agree, and I hope that get’s remedied.

The fact that some races still don’t have these seperated means there is more work to be done for sure.

I’m on the edge on this, I can agree to a point, but there must be something that still give VE flavor. I think it should be a choice of tendrils, tenticles, shadowy gas effects, and maybe even void fire. I dunno if a full turn off is appropiate, at least in my case because I do advocate lightforged model toggles. I don’t even think lightforged model toggle humans should get everything humans has.

Could just have a lighter form of the tentacles shifty void coloration. Like on the whole hair.

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there are currently 12 hairs with tendrils and 12 hairs without (across both genders) Having that opened up so all 24 options could be with or without keeps both people who want to use than and don’t want to use them happy. Even further toggle options would be even better, Void tendrils, void smoke or neither? 3 choices for each hair style would just open up so many possibilities it’d be great.

And who says Black and White is “unnatural?”

Noone? He said an unatural black or white, like you can have a natural black and then you can have an unatural black thats just a void of all colour that can’t occour in natural hair…

<— Joke

You —>

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remove that part and we should be good. VE needs to have some transformation difference. I don’t think we need to go that far for the HE RP

I think we do need to go that far and beyond.

But… each to there own.