Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Just give us white hair or light blue hair … :heart:


This is what I want except with the void tendrils in tact, maybe make non tendril options a thing?


A toggle like Night Elf Vines would be perfect.


Next up, zombie event is permanent and we all get to look like little ghouls. Happy little hungry ghouls. :]

But that’s the proper way to become a void elf. By training,mastering and siphoning the void into their bodies. That’s my theory. But honestly that would be the only one that works since there’s no other way to become a void elf. The current ones were almost transformed by the ether als into void creatures. The new customizations are meant to be the second generation who became void elves the same way Alleria did.


No. They are Void Elves, not Night Elves or Blood Elves or any other Elves.

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I mean, more hairstyles that aren’t as tentacle laden or void-themed are also a request with hair colors so… I think it’s not being talked about as much because it’s kind of assumed to be a part of the request.

So long as there is lore to support the customization, I see no reason to disallow it. Let’s say we head to another planet and find Orcs on it that escaped the destruction of Draenor, and over the years they’ve evolved to have pink skin and blond hair. Should those customizations be withheld from Orcs/Mag’har Orcs because those are, “Human,” colors and it’s just homogenizing the races?

In my opinion, no. If there is lore to support a look, add it. More customization is always better.

Alleria is a thing.

Where has this been a thing? The only time I’ve seen something like this has been from trolls with low post count, not the people who actually want High Elves. The people who actually want High Elves have asked for Dalaran, and don’t seem to want anything to do with Quel’Thalas.

High Elves existed on the Alliance prior to that. They were around in vanilla. There was even a patch where they were going to get their own reputation faction for Alliance players, ‘Silvermoon Remnant.’

Just like blond-haired tentacle-less Alleria! Glad you agree to more hair color options and better hairstyles.


8.1 alliance didn’t go far enough. Bring back the purge squads.

Without natural hair colors and non tentacle hair we don’t have high elves. If you want to give us high elves do it right blizz!


Paladins. :stuck_out_tongue:

You could argue it’s caused harm for Alliance players to have High Elves play a major role in EVERY expansion except WoD and BfA… And yet never be playable. They’ve had more representation than a lot of playable races, so naturally they have fans.

So “harm” here is very subjective. As someone who plays a void elf and a blood elf I’m not even interested in High Elves. I think the other two are way cooler. But if Blizzard chooses to add “High Elves” in… Well, good on them, frankly. It certainly makes sense from a story perspective.


I will be disappointed if we didn’t get natural hair colors in the pre-patch, what’s the point of the skin tones if will not get the high elf look we want? =(


No. The allied races weren’t suppose to get any updates to begin with. But void elves got some because alliance players were mad that blood elves were getting blue eyes.

Maybe once some horde get some allied race updates first then you can get some

All will eventually get some. Why does it need to be a competition?

How about some story choices for Alliance in BFA? We didn’t get to choose how we approached the war. We just followed a prescribed storyline.

How about some better cinematics telling the story of an Alliance character like Tyrande. Hell she didn’t even GET a cinematic, despite the Night Elves losing their home. Nope, we got a whole lot of Saurfang in high definition while Tyrande got a really bad cutscene.

So yeah if you want to compete, maybe that’s worth looking at too. There’s all sorts of things that we COULD compete over. Maybe instead we can be like “Man those Saurfang cinematics were cool” and “hey the Void Elves got some cool customisation options - neat! I can’t wait for when they do the other allied races!”


I want a lot of customization for a lot of races.

I’m a nelf main, and we made out like thieves. I spent a ton of time redoing my nelves.

Then I hopped onto my belf, and I was like, “Oh boy time to-Wait, there’s only one beard option? And it doesn’t even have a mustache part?” It’s good that the night elves and humans got so many options, and I’m not saying that’s not enough for them, but it really does make you look at the rest of the races and think, “Geez, they need the same treatment.”

I’ve got friends who want green skin for trolls, AND any beard options at all for trolls, and I agree.

It’s just “natural hair colors for void elves” is #1 on my list right now.


For someone who is talking a lot of smack about following lore, you seem woefully ignorant of it.

  1. High Elves have been members of the Alliance since it’s inception.
  2. The Silver Covenant legit stood as the faction opposite the Blood Elves in Legion.
  3. Alleria, one of the main ‘void elves’ can return to her normal golden haired, fair skin self at will…
  4. High Elf NPC’s have been added to Alliance areas as recently as BFA’s 8.2 patch.

Get off your high horse, why do -you- care if other people get the option to play what they want? It won’t effect you in the slightest.

Not only will it not effect you, but faction identity, and race identity went out the flippin window back with Pandaland so I don’t wanna hear your baseless dribble.


I know I’m late and I don’t really care about these options but Alleria says hi

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Yes Falothorin! blizz needs to add at the very VERY least, one shade of blonde, ORANGE! and brown! at THE LEAST! I can count on one hand how many lines of code it would take!


Someone get this man some tusks of mannoroth! dont listen to those casuals man. they probably dont even have the amani war bear mount.

Normal hair color for your abnormal skin color? Embrace the void and curl up in your emoness.


We have natural skin tones, now we just need the hair to match!

Preferred but optional: more hair styles that aren’t “brooding” and toggle-able tentacles.

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