Give us Vanilla, NOT pre-TBC with gated content

The idea I have is to approximate pre-nerf content the best they can. Some parts may be a bit easier and some a bit harder than if they used the actual client from back in the day.

Bump, bump & bump!

Most of us do as far as I can tell, in one way or another.

Still no resoonse though.

Yes, all this sounds so pedantic from the OP. Might as well find a PS or make your own 1.1.


This is one of those posts that I like regardless of whether or not its sarcastic - I could enjoy either version.

Although probably funnier if not sarcastic.

I’m all for a good re-tuning to something that overall feels like 1.6, but let’s be honest. A more tedious version of Vanilla WoW wouldn’t fly with today’s player base.

The knowledge we have today is enough to make it a lot easier if buffs are tuned to give the same content difficulty as if true patch progression was being used. We don’t need post nerf content at launch making it worse. It wouldn’t be so bad if knowledge was the only advantage, but post nerf content is a massive detriment to the experience. Content was never hard in vanilla, but it made it so only the highly dedicated groups cleared current content.

P.S. A boss being bugged and blatantly overtuned (C’thun before they nerfed/fixed him) does NOT count as hard.