You do realize every single expansion people complain about gear and PVP. People would rather blame something else rather than for their own skill. You have people pushing rating easy. Most of the issues why people can’t push rating is more of a skill issue not the gear. You’re not gonna be facing 252 players in lower MMR. There’s not this amazing amount of carry groups going on which people over exaggerate as another excuse as to why they can’t push.
Well I bet you are a very successful business person and you can tell me how it’s not. The game is still making a lot of money which means it is doing well. And no they’re not doing well because of token buying that is just the dumbest things people on the forums can come up with.
I already said I don’t think it’s fun either. But it is a progression game. Because you can look at the other side of it someone who is doing harder Content wants better gear because that is the point. Grinding for one or two weeks isn’t a huge deal for this game one seasons last months. They have massive content for players to do. If you choose only one content that is on the player.
Damage is the problem lol. In season one with people with gear because I was playing at 2100 on my boomkin I switch to Kyrian to joke around. Triple star surge hitting people for approximately 25K each. Even with gear they’re dead in 2. Even if you add more hit points the problem is there could be another character using his burst which is hitting just as hard. Especially in a battleground where you have multiple characters. Damage is over tuned. It’s just gonna be something people have to agree to disagree. You have people who think because I don’t wanna do content I just want the best things and everything to be on it equal playing field. On the other end you have people who want rewards for doing harder content because their character should be more powerful. It is a argument that goes back years but it is the point of the game.