Give us our dungeons back

It was a timed run was my point bub. It was a speedrun. Hence the post I was replying to.

ha, good one

M+ has destroyed the WOW dungeon experience.<

If something has destroyed the dungeon experience for you, and you’re complaining, inherently that thing that has destroyed something must be taken away for your complaint to be dealt with.

Let us choose a “layer” of difficulty for each dungeon, with scaling ilvl rewards<

A layer…kinda like the scaling of M+? So basically, you like M+ but you don’t like being kept to a timer? Some of us like the challenge, and hey…if you don’t beat the timer you still get gear. So just RUN YOUR OWN KEY and put the description “We’re ignoring the timer.” You have your own solution and nothing needs changed.


Have you raided at all this expansion? Raid loot is not exactly growing on trees, like it did in past expansions.

False, at best you could go two tiers with a few pieces that were really good (and that was mostly wrath, like a tank trinket for the outragious stamina on it since we all stam stacked)

The dungeons ilvl did not scale as new raids were released, you had new dungeons released (ToC, ICC 5 mans, and the sunwell one) but they were pretty limited, and their gear wasn’t made to last long, usually getting replaced in the raid it was launched with.

Dungeon loot was never something made to last long so long as you pvp’ed or raided, it was always quick to be replaced…

Vanilla was the only time it had any kind of extended shelf life, and that was due to resist gear


yeah, i said like before- last i checked “vanilla/tbc and maybe wotlk” came before what we’re playing now.

i’m not complaining about anything; i was just throwing in my 2 cents and suggestions, so i have no idea where that’s coming from.

Not when we got the dungeon finder in Wrath, just random queue, bypassed the daily lockout for heroics…

you dont even have to do dungeons anymore. just raid, weekly quests and arena. i stopped doing m+ at the very start. you can easily keep geared with just doing that.

are you telling me that having 18 difficulties + a potentially infinite amount of extra difficulties is bad and creates too much of a gap and toxic community?

why, that can’t be. mythic+ is perfection like everything else lord ion does.


Yes. PvPers have legit beefs, and they have for a long time. PvP has been neglected as a gearing strategy, but SL has even attempted to improve upon that. I don’t regularly PvP. I didn’t in Vanilla-MoP, either. I didn’t get the BiS essences from PvP in BfA, either.

I can’t speak to PvP gearing other than what my guildies say. I didn’t “forget” PvP. I even mentioned it as a gearing path in one of the posts I made earlier. All of that said, OP didn’t address PvP or gearing in his original post. He said he wanted dungeons back that didn’t have M+ affixes and timers.

Well…they never took them away, and in Shadowlands, as I have taken great pains to point out, they restored a LOT of legitimacy to the non-timed/non-affixed normal and heroic modes of the dungeons. Pre-raid BiS items are found in the dungeons, just like they have always been.

You do not need Mythic Plus gear to enter the raid, and you can gear up entirely through regular dungeons and PvP and raiding if that’s your preference. You will have access to gear on par with M+ gear by doing that, and your drop rates in other content will be higher than M+, as well.

So again. My point is that you don’t have to M+ if you don’t want to and nothing has been taken away from people who like to do dungeon crawls the old way.

It’s too early in SL for a Dire Maul or Mechagon type of dungeon. That will come between raid tiers like it always has.

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A long time ago, you had to run normal dungeons like a bunch of times, then get to max level, and heroics would still be difficult. TBC had quite a few dungeons. You had to travel to them. I probably ran the normals half a dozen times each before I attempted heroics.


“WTS mage boost stocks.”
“WTS mage boost mara”

Everything else is just mages aoe farming dungeons with full raid gear for gold.

replied. Also love it when whiners post on their alts to shield their mains from being judged. lmao

So… like m0?

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I’ll not insult you for not reading my post because english might not be your first language or something, but that’s not what i said.

I don’t like the timer, I don’t like the random cancerous affixes. Running your own key ignoring the timer doesn’t allow you to farm bosses for loot, it doesn’t allow you to choose your dungeon and difficulty.

Basically, everything you said is rubbish.


This thread shows exactly how WoW has changed for the worst…


I think it is charming honestly and perfect for dungeon crawling experience. I did full brd runs in classic we had lots of fun. But it gets old really fast.

And you needed 150 boss kills to get the actual upgraded for a non poor itemzed gear.

Only one raid tier from the last patch of said expansions did bring new dgs. Wotlk bring 3, but hoenstly wotlk heroics were stupidly ez. TBC only 1, magister terrace.

You didnt ask to take M+ out you just said you didnt like them and wanted another experience.
Thing is which experience is that? You used classic but it hardly happens there.

It doesnt, it has a lot of GDKP runs with gold bought form bots and boost runs for lower levels, you can barely make a maraudon/gnomeregan/etc group and even brd takes a while.

In SL, PvP is the best gearing method. Completely predictable and easy route to 184 in all slots and as of next week, even 2H classes now get a garanteed weapon from PvP, minimum ilvl 200, maximum 233 if they so wish.


Can confirm this for the welfare tier 9 set, never did the next step though.

my server is dead and was passed over for server merges against all logic, so i wouldnt bet on that too hard.