Give us option to report people for "non topic" politics

As long as there’s two sides trying to destroy each other, like here in Warcraft, peace will be only but a utopian pipe dream. :frowning:


Then I guess the best thing to do is to take the advice of Tong from MOP. That all our differences and fighting doesn’t weaken us, it makes us strong.

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man i feel bad for your children. Who cares really? If the internet bothers you disable all chat options its possible in settings to where you wont see a single person ever speak to anyone in game. So there is your dictator tool right there. Or you can teach your child everything they need to know about the internet and politics and teach them to be able to do research and not blindly put faith in random people?

Ignorance here will not help your children or the future of humanity.

Lots of wisdom among those Pandaren folk, even in real life, their teachings can help even that.

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As long as there are people, the answer is nope.

There is a lot more. This is pathetic, this is beyond George. Let’s not forget every time a white person attacks, kills or assaults a black person. The MSM will spew that narrative for weeks, flip the rolls and you got people like you dismissing it, cheers buddy.

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Uh, white people kill black people all the time without various news organizations picking up on it. Pick up a local newspaper, there is crime going on all the time lol. If you can’t tell the difference between a random crime and a cop killing an unarmed citizen, I’m not sure what to tell you.

Didn’t read this. You started responding to my post 5 seconds after. There is no dialogue with you. Peace.


I’m sorry it takes you 5 minutes to read a couple sentences.

Ironic yet unsurprising how a thread about reporting this kind of talk devolves into exactly that. :man_shrugging:

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Most of the time it’s not a police officer killing in cold blood while being filmed.

Wow, it’s almost like I already said that.

Sorry I didn’t hear you say that.

I’ll talk about whatever the heck I want to talk about. Don’t tell me how to play my game

You actually won’t – you’ll talk about whatever is defined as acceptable in the ToS. Know why? Because it’s not “your game.” This game is owned by shareholders, and if you want try and force the management to let you say whatever you want in-game, you better own enough shares to have some serious voting power.

Don’t get 1A twisted – Blizzard is not the government and doesn’t owe you a soapbox. Try reading the fine print you agreed to.

Wait a minute, I am confused…

Are you saying that the government actually owes people a soapbox? I didn’t know that…

That’s why I’m more like Wrathion. I bring both sides gifts and hallucinations.

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You can’t report me for speaking the truth! Anduin has secretly been consuming Gnomes for power since he was a small child. No more! Rise up brothers and sisters!

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I can’t even remember the last time someone tried to actually trade in Trade Chat. If you don’t like it, you can turn Trade Chat off.

Same with LookingForGroup. The last time I posted a legit “looking for 2 more” message there, I got laughed out of the room.

Let people enjoy the game in whatever way they like. If you’re not happy with it, you’re free to find another space.

Also: If you’re not cool with your 15-year-old playing WoW because of politics chat, I question your ability to parent. 15 is exactly the time to start exposing a child to complex political discussion.

I think politics should be mandatory to study, the reason that the world is as divided as it is, is due to the complete lack of communication on both sides, which results in an unhealthy tribalism, I talk to people that are both on progressive left and those on the right-wing…yet if I put these people in the same room they would probably kill each other.