Give us option to report people for "non topic" politics

Or something like non topic, non game related, non community related. I am so sick of seeing politics and news in trade chat, I come here to play game and relax,to enjoy MMORPG -Massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Not to hear about who you are going to vote for ,this is sickening.

If you want to discuss politics literally EVERYWHERE IN ANY social chat you can do that, but NOT IN GAME, where game has nothing to do with that. I can’t let my 15 year old to play wow just because people who is like that. Basic common sense not to bother people with your political opinions IN GAME, I am not saying in your guild chat, but TRADE CHAT OR ANY GENERAL CHAT. I understand some people doesn’t have basic common sense so I beg Blizzard to give us option to report this people,ignore list is not enough, punishment should stop them from this maybe and then they will realize that they are IN GAME, not on some news,tv or politics related show.

Trade chat - Trade Chat is a common Chat channel that only works in capital cities and certain sanctuaries (unless you manually join a channel out-of-zone). This channel is intended for buying, selling, and trading of items and services, but is often used for general inane chit- chat .

Just basic common sense, keep your political opinions far from game chats, there are so many places you can debate it 24/24 but not in game chats, where 14+ kids are playing and there is no reason for them to read it. I understand people wants to speak about own problems but POLITICS is not one of them, and speaking who you will vote for is better is not either.


join a roleplay server or dont complain. we are our characters brains in game, and only roleplay server disallow us to use our own thinking real lives in game.


What do you think my server is for?

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then report them because rp server mods ban for that

You don’t get the point, report doesn’t works. This is what I am trying to say, people should get silenced for that, so they can shut about it and play the game. Once they are suspended for it then they will stop talking about it.

wow, i think that’s a parental issue, not one with the kid. your boy is making worse jokes about the natural cycle of life at school than he’s gonna hear from trade chat.


Yet we would get flagged and temporarily banned from the forums for that “wrong think” but in game its fine?


What is parental issue to don’t get your 15 year old involved in politics? can I ask what your educational degree is?

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it does work, i know from experience. you just expect immediate results, and think there’s a judge dredd roaming the server ready for your beckon call to execute perpetrators of injustice.

this only applies to rp servers, other types of servers dont punish for it.

I mean 14-15 yrs old are 3-4 years away from having to deal with real life … that’s called over protecting and will just make lazy adults that dont know how bad the world is . You can /leave general chat and put trade in another window on its own , nothing here that can’t be solved on your own , instead of trying to dictate how other should use each chat channel inside a game .


your kid is 15, he’s talking about the dirty truths of life and complaining about politics right now, you should probably take his computer away


Could you answer my question about your educational degree?

i’ll get right on that, karen


it’s not fine in game either, they just cant handle the magnitude of it so they let it go and hope the players self moderate. The forums are slow in comparison and easily modded. I’m on your side, just giving the reasoning as to why

for some reason, the roleplay servers are allowed to slam the hammer down on it more often. i guess because the roleplayers actually rise up as a community and complain while the other server types you are the minority.

Eh, I know we covered politics in general in middle school.
I wouldn’t say the problem with Trade (or GD) is politics as such, but with flamewars between zealots.

If there is bigotry in trade, call it as such.

Just turn off trade chat.
Don’t be a bot.

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:clap: you get it

it took 74 levels as a neutral panda, but i think you have truly reached enlightenment.

Good thing it hasn’t taken quite that many years to learn not to engage in flamewars.

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they can be quite enjoyable too, you know. these forums are a miraculous thing where karens and customer service e x p e r t s can mingle in disharmony.

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What do you think happens on RP servers - Moonguard is a RP server and it is actually the worse server I have characters on for talking politics.