Give us duall spec on the new servers. Please...OR at least reduced costs of respec

Dual spec is needed badly. Please consider giving it to us for classic fresh.


Perhaps that would be ONE reason to play there…


nope lol own go back to sod


Instead of just saying nope, why not say why you disagree? I think dual spec would be a huuuuge QOL for pvpers in particular. Not needing a 100g weekly cost to pvp, before consumables. I haven’t heard a good reason not to add it, other than it wasn’t in classic originally, but neither was chronoboons and no one is complaining about those.


nope. no changes


no thanks we like the game as is. its our turn you had yours


your “turn”? We’ve literally already had classic wow launch as well as persistent era servers for the last 4 years lol, what does this even mean. How can you be so close minded.


oh so not fresh?


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So, this is your 2nd time having “Fresh” vanilla servers correct? We’re still waiting on classic+, and sod is not classic+ it’s a seasonal server that is literally retail light and by far and few not what anyone was asking for. So tell me how it’s your “turn” again.


in 5 years, yes.

who? Im not

This is what i was waitin for

You just had a full changes fresh. now we get our barebones fresh. just what we asked for. you, then us.

sorry your so pist but thats what it is. gg

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Sorry if you’re insinuating by my text that I’m upset with you, I think there’s plenty of room for everyone to get what they want. But you seem more interested in shutting everyone down around you instead of having a discussion.

no discussion needed. the server is set to what it is.

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Would just think it would add more people into the Tank/Heal roles because they can freely PVP and PVE without sacrificing one or the other to save on gold that you needlessly need to farm weekly if you don’t want to be at 70% spec capacity when you aren’t raiding.


Dual spec was added seamlessly in SOD.
(probably one of the only things in SOD that was pretty universally accepted)

Let us have dual spec!


We tried that, and ended up with changes anyway.

Nothing wrong with a change that just makes the game more fun for everyone involved.

More accessibility for people who want to do their best but don’t want to pay the PVP tax is a good thing. Or even people who just want a second way to play.
Tanks and healers benefit greatly from this.

Dual spec is nothing but a positive for everyone.


Pretty please!!! With cherries on top. I’d really not have to spend 15-25 gold to respec between pvp and pve talents. There is better things to spend gold on like consumables.


AMEN!!! Hit the nail on the head!!!


Sorry little bro but they did say they were making changes this time in the blue post. At least you can still gdkp in era! See you there


who said i was gdkping?

Yeah they listed them. boons, updated rank, and faction balance/no gkp. There is no dual spec in there. you guys can go back to sod. those are the changes on fresh. you arent getting runes, dual spec, summoning stones, class ba;lance.
they told us upfront the game we will be playing if you dont like it kick rocks back to sod. or you can make the same mistake you did on sod, and keep playing and keep playing and not get the changes you are imagining

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If you want duel spec play furyprot or feral druid.

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