Give us an option for world instances where Multi Boxers are not allowed!

You do realize that one person paying more for the power level of three players is P2W right?

It’s a lot easier to compete against one individual than a multiboxer. Botters are a bigger problem, but multiboxers aren’t innocent either.

It’s debatable if it’s even them playing it, since it’s replicating their button presses.

Uh huh. I’m the one being called a botter because I don’t like multiboxers.


Agreed, nerf demon hunters.

Lmao. “You can take advantage of it too, just pay more!”.

Definition of P2W my man.

Addon devs just went about it another way, addon is free and they have Patreon accounts setup for people who would like to donate lol

now instead of paying $20 for let’s use DBM for example, you can choose to signup to pay anywhere from $1 to $300 a MONTH on

Because it is YOU who is whining, not boxers…and not the vast majority of players…so YOU are the ones who need your own server…

start crying about how ‘unfair’ druids are and they cant compete.
But just liike boxing, they are free to do what anyone else can any time they want.

personally I dont care what bliz does…what I do care about is the flat out LYING and hyperbole in here.
IF boxing were a problem bliz would have HAD to deal with it, plain and simple.
the eight posters in here with their 3 post alts tells me all I need to know.

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They think being separated from boxers matters. it wont.
they’ll still be posting their stuff on the AH :roll_eyes:

yeah? My non gun owning mother has strong pro second amendment opinions too.
you got anything of substance on the topic or we moving to personal observations now?

I couldnt care less about any of this…seriously.
any time you all dont like what bliz says…theyre lying.
Sorry but I’ll take their word over a few whining posters on this forum.

They do allow it. Sorry but your tantrums arent going to change that.

clearly bliz thinks your wrong. they havent banned it. sorry.

Sorry…is boxing allowed or not allowed?
one of us has NO foundation for an argument…while the other does…

Stopped reading right there :laughing:

Conversely…ive had maybe 100 instances in 3 years of NON boxing players intentionally killing NPCS I needed for upwards of an hour at a time.
One idiot danced on the respawn spot an elite was suppose to spawn and kept it from showig up and I think was one shotting it if it did spawn…all just to keep me from finishing my quest.

Boxers havent done a thing to me yet and I see them all the time now

I think theyre free. but I had the same reservation so I just manually controlled my characters. You can do a lot with macros…at least to duel box.

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Still better off than you…boxing is allowed…bliz is in my court. :wink:

Why would a mboxer gather in WM? That seems just asking to be smacked in the head with a dead fish.

I dunno, you’re the one who started out by claiming I was a botter.

Way to miss the point. But then I’m not surprised anymore.

Blizzard says nothing about the populace of multiboxers, just the legality of it.

You do realize you’re arguing something entirely different right? Something being a minority of players doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be allowed. It being allowed means nothing about how many or how few players do it.

You’re really not very good at this are you?

uh huh…show us the list of 3rd party apps / addons that bliz supports.

Nor does being unable to comprehend basic English you.

Lol, you’re the one who is continuing to make claims with no evidence and completely misunderstanding the topic of conversation.

Ah well, I’m bored now.

i know that you all have to call it that joke to be able to sleep at night.
Ive played pay 2 win…this aint it…

really? because I have no problem competeing and I see boxers every day.
This is a YOU problem. Bliz knows that and thats why boxing aint going anywhere.
learn to compete…or quit, I suppose.

:yawning_face: :yawning_face:

uh huh…another one who doesnt know the difference. lmao

your the one crying about boxers, for sure, trying to play victim

you can mangle the term till the cows come home like 17 of your alts did, guy…nO ONE CARES.
Boxing isnt going anywhere regardless of the eight of you posting on alts every third day with these same jokes you were posting 15years ago

Dunno. Less competition, maybe?

All I can say is that it does happen. There’s a tauren druid multiboxer on Alliance RP WM shards that’s rather notorious for hogging herb nodes in Nazjatar, so it’s not uncommon for the zone to just kinda unite against him.

Because they can’t get nodes in WM off since every multiboxer would fill the WM off shard first before even considering the WM on shard.