Friendly NPC A.I. Bots for Dungeon Finder Groups

FFXIV sucks. Let’s not pretend it’s the #1 MMO.

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As someone who completed all three proving ground titles, lol. sure ya do.

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lmao what  


I think there is tons of room for improvement and places to use AI bots just like you are talking about.


I’ve honestly been waiting for some announcement about this.
They did it for the starting island dungeon, sort of. I figured that may been a test or proof of concept.


Sure, provided it is restricted to only five man content below mythic level.

What is one single instance of an AI in wow that worked well enough you would trust them in dungeons? I can’t think of any.

Even the newest attempt at it - the npcs in the new starter dungeon, barely heal and the tank loses agro like crazy. The mage tower npcs in legion were worse.

Even popoco or whatever his name is is like an rng machine - will he help? Will he just despawn?

They can’t even get pets to follow dungeon shortcuts.

The AI they have shown us isn’t up to what they would need to be to do dungeons.

I guess the pvp ones are ok, but we haven’t been able to play with them, only against, so not sure how that would work out.

No restrictions.


Which is why it will never happen.

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Which is why the game will continue to die with its never changing mindset.


This is the least of their problems. Hell they can’t even get pet AI to work well, which his why they basically make them immune to every fight mechanic in the game. But you think they will allow you to run a mythic raid with 19 bots?!?

I am not sure if you are being serious or just trolling once more.

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sounds great. just like real players, they would miss interrupts, stand in fire, butt pull extra packs, mess up mechanics, etc.



Honestly, they can’t get anything to work well, except maybe time gating.

AI is the future, but you can eventually think of it as multiple trolls.


And I am joking before someone takes me serious…


The autonomous future is in the works and I am not joking.

Starting to wonder if you are an AI :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I wish I were I could make more money. :slight_smile:

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Just some info for new players Who might not know about A.I. Bots are:

To give you an idea what bots really are; The Wow game does it, itself. As an example of real official game run bots just look at the Pet Classes we have in wow. What do you think the hunters fighting pets are? Well they are fully computer controlled A.I Bots. So are the Warlocks Pets. and Mages Mirror Images. Also at times your character will be joined by quest/mission A.I. computer controlled characters. Those are bots. In fact: all of the Wow game NPCs you see in the game world are bots as well as all the enemy monster mobs are
Wow created bots. A bot is an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Computer controlled Character.
In the general term of course.

Since A.I. Bots are computer controlled they can be programmed by the Developer To function at many levels. As some have said already Other MMORPGS have already implemented this. Its not new.

Take how a level 10 Character going up against a level 50 monster (Before Scaling) Will be wrecked. Thats’s because the monster is programmed to do it. My point is programmers now in 2022 know how to do this.

And also giving the player a pet command bar helps the player control situations.

I play FF 11 and a lot of the over world I deal with it with a.i at party members. When I do harder content I band with friends. It’s pretty great to fill the void when in need of help, but I’m also glad that certain things require actual players because it’s still an MMO RPG.

Having A.I doesn’t endanger a game, just allows someone to play over dealing with continuously needing to rely on others in order to work on more or less minor projects.

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Thats blizzard problem THEY created. This whole game has turned into a Parse simulator. If you don’t follow this build, this conduit setup, be this convenant, wear this leggo combo, have this much dps at all times, you suck and are castigated by your peers. They use to break gearscore and addons like this in the past but now they push this crap on us and the content creators for this game as too scared to get outside their lane because “MuH ReVeNuE”