Give us a reward

I said this from day one of Hardcore WoW. Give a reward or at least a title to show our accomplishment that we achived by getting to level 60 in Hardcore.

But why - everybody can see that you are level 60 on a HC server. Ergo you did it.


Why does everything have to come with a reward?


I’d love to give this 100 likes. :point_up_2:t4: Society is doomed.


Are you asking for a title/reward on non-HC servers based on your HC Accomplishment?

On an HC server there is no need as your level if proof that you are 60. For other invisible accomplishments they have the soul of iron buff for things like killing nef, c’thun, or KT on an HC server as well as most recently adding the unbroken self-found champion for SF players (although is no value since it can be cheesed)

One thing I have mentioned before would be cool is adding to soul of iron a tracker for your HC account for each class you manage to get to 60. For instance I’ve leveled both a mage & warlock to 60 on hardcore (priest is getting close) but you can’t see that I’ve leveled multiple toons.

As for the people saying “why do we need rewards” just google maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It explains why people want recognition.

It explains why SOME people need recognition. I am perfectly satisfied with knowing I did it! And from this thread it seems I’mnot alone.



Not everyone is built the same, I kinda fixed the quote to acknowledge that. :slightly_smiling_face:


That doesn’t explain why everything needs to come with a reward; just why SOME may need that external validation that comes with the reward.

Not everything has to cater to those that cannot feel a sense of accomplishment without some reward to go along with it.


I think it would be fine if blizz gave a title in retail for HC lvl 60, it would bring some retail folks to vanilla.


By everyone, you mean all 200 people. :joy: Hardcore is dead


It really is dead, man would rather be upset about a title or something to show you beat hardcore wow in retail or even when you transfer the toon to era instead of being upset no one plays it anymore. /shrug

Dream on - or maybe US is more dead than EU? That’s where I play, and it is very much alive, we still have layers.

And looking at Dungeon activity in armory I see way more raid activity in NA, so please …

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Maybe read here why it’s a less than stellar idea:

Defias Pillager (NA) still has layers.

This argument on HC not being alive (false) is completely unrelated to getting dumb titles. Try another tactic, you both look foolish.

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I supposed as much from the raid activity, thanks for confirming. I cannot play Classic in NA without paying an extra sub :wink:

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As someone in dabbles in almost all forms of WoW, I would not be opposed.