Give us a GDKP server

Give us a server where GDKP is specifically allowed. No transfers off is fine. A gigantic chunk of the player base want GDKP. If the others don’t, let them roll on all the other servers where it is against the rules.

edit: this is in regards to fresh servers. Not era.


There are about 20 of them.


Was already speaking about this.


every single era server is gdkp right now. Trying to understand what do you mean by ‘Give us a server where GDKP is specifically allowed.’?


Stay on era then little bro lol. Whats the point in wrecking another server with gdkp lol. Just stick to the one youve already damaged beyond repair


No sorry you cant swipe anymore


Already exists. Non-Anniversary era realm. Can have all the GDKPs you want forever there.


We’re not talking about era. This is for the new fresh realms next week.

There’s nothing damaged about era, not sure what you’re talking about. Maybe you just can’t get into raids because you put in zero effort and have grey parses? You wouldn’t have to roll on this hypothetical server, you could go to the reddit servers.

Nothing stops people from buying gold on servers where GDKPs are banned. SoD is full of bots and full of gold buying. Next excuse.

Not fresh.


No you whale, play the game like it was meant to be played; by actually playing it.


Too bad. :dracthyr_shrug:

Era’s economy is already blown out like a bad tire. Plenty of gold for you to buy, sell or spend on permaBIS there. You do not deserve ANOTHER realm to destroy with GDKP.

GDKPers are as bad or worse than Premaders when it comes to destroying their environment. You deserve to be quarantined somewhere that minimizes the damage you cause to people who arent you.


“play the game the way i like to play or else!!”


They absolutely should but there’s no chance they will. If they did, the non-GDKP servers would be dead AF, despite what the vocal anti-GDKP crowd has to say.


Hilarious cope.


No your lame attempt to make an argument here doesn’t apply. It doesn’t apply because paying money to have other people play the game for you isn’t playing the game. Like at all. You’re paying someone else to play the game for you. You’re paying someone else to level your character for you. As soon as you hit max level you pay someone to run you through raids for all the best gear. After that you pay people to boost you in arenas. None of that is YOU playing the game. All of that is YOU paying SOMEONE ELSE to play the game FOR YOU. So your entitled limp insult doesn’t apply here.


Who cares if people are botting! Let them play the game how they want, it doesnt effect you!

I swear yall get dumber and dumber each day

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Uh… so what’s your issue then with a separate server with GDKP? You don’t have to roll there.

who is coping? we should be quarantined but don’t make a gdkp server because it wouldn’t be popular anyway. You are twisted and tangled in your thought process and hate the truth, a GDKP enabled server on fresh would be the kingpin server.


Did you ask the entire player base? GDKP sucks. Why even play the game just to farm gold and buy gear that you should be able to get for free?


They won’t release GDKP and non-GDKP fresh servers together because they know the GDKP server would be drastically more popular and kill the idea of non-GDKP servers


What does this even mean? Farming gold for items is literally a huge part of the game, that’s why almost every enemy and quest gives gold


what are you even talking about? you’re playing the game in a GDKP, the vast majority of the raid are carries and these raids outperform non-gdkp pugs to an insane level. Much better players in GDKP. Not only that, but the undergeared players that are purebuyers (not every run has purebuyers) can certainly still play. They just don’t perform as well with their gear. The real difference is, soft res/ms>os runs have people being carried too, they’re just bad AND rolling on the geared superior player’s BIS, which is nonsense. It’s an online RPG, selling services is very in theme. Imagine crying and getting mad that a group of good players in good gear decided to communicate and get together to sell services so everyone can make a little gold and get items they want if needed. Nobody is forcing you to join these runs (not that you qualify, your type are easy to read, never farm gold, bad parses) you can go to soft res runs, you can join a guild. This is actually more about bad players trying to control other people for the sake of controlling them.