Give us a game that is HARD, requires EFFORT, and requires COOPERATION

They can still achieve that effect with rereleases of TBC and WOTLK. They have every opportunity to add mechanics, or fine tune raids. It’s not even hard to do.

There is far more they could do in TBC and Wrath. PRogressive patching of content would go a long way in making it FAR better than it was in classic with the one FINAL version before TBC launched.

I would like to see some raid testing in the beta to get an idea of how bad it will actually be overall before just blanket dropping health and damage boost to bosses.

There’s also an issue of separating bugs class design fixes from actual content nerfs.

Or cases where they go hand in hand, the early changes to consumables in TBC which required content nerfs are a great example of that.

you nailed it with this and do not realize how significant it is. Most of us were 15 when this game was out and didn’t know better, or have the knowledge of the game like we do know vs then. This is the cold hard truth to the matter. It was the MYSTERY OF NOT KNOWING that made the game sooooo good. Being able to do the raids as any spec instead of pushing people to play a certain way. THAT’S where the true satisfaction came from. That’s what made it fun, the effort, and the cooperation. Now, HA, not comparable.

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Ion should post this above his door, and in-between his sock sniffing sessions look up and reflect on the truth.

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“wtf why is this 15 year old game not difficult???”

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


I think the big change is going to be pre or post Attunment changes. if the game starts with hose end game changes to content for “Accessability” Well be in Wrath in under a year the content will be plowed under so quickly.

“You think you do. But you don’t.”

We talking about “Wildstar” here? I think we all know what happened there.


If you want hard, there is retail.

However, it should take effort and cooperation.

Everyone should not be able to achieve everything.

When came back to retail brief and what turned me off, part of it was LFR. What kept me engaged in Vanilla was that I was seeing content that few others saw. I was doing things that few others were doing. A lot of those who i keep in touch with, we all felt the same. Now, everyone can see the dungeon. My point being, the carrot on the stick feeling is gone. Everyone gets cool looking gear. Everyone gets to feel like they “beat” the game. It’s quite similar to Classic today.

Now, there is no carrot. It’s a soulless game that takes 0 effort - relatively. Anymore than is necessary, it becomes tedious and annoying. And oddly enough, a part of what made Vanilla what it was, is that it WAS tedious and annoying.

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If you are looking for some hard challenges in wow raids I would suggest you try something new and fresh rather than the boring speed runs people are all about these days.

I will start you off with a few basic suggestions from MC that I think would be a blast and you can come up with own challenges from there. Keep in mind that I would go with a rule of the boss having to die for any of the challenges to count so you cant just cheese some of these.

-how many MC’d raid members can you kill in one luci fight

-most amount of rain of fire damage taken during a Gehennas fight, this could work as both an individual or team competition

-For Geddon I think you should got for both an individual and raid competition at the same time. For the raid it would be most bomb’s survived, and for the individual it would be most raid members killed as the bomb

-For Rag you could go for a marathon of the most submerge phases survived.

-While not MC I recall when ony was bugged for a few days back in vanilla and was going crazy on deep breaths and how much fun we had with that fight. So naturally the challenge would be to get the most deep breaths you can in a single fight

There is nothing hard about retail, its all the same simon says raiding like every other modern mmo

No one feels like that having only cleared a raid on LFR or Normal. They’re aware of Heroic and Mythic difficulties, the staggering differences in power between them, and the staggering differences in difficulty.

Folks resigned to LFR only simply cut their expectations dramatically short, much like Vanilla-era players did regarding Naxx and AQ40. Loads of people contented themselves to “achieve” what they wanted to achieve, which was a dead Rag or dead Nef or 8/8 of a particular tier set or whatever.


The heroic/mythic mode should be the only modes. MMOs are unironically better when the majority of the playerbase can’t get bis or see all the content. Makes the game feel bigger than it actually is an encourages people not in uber guilds to create meta breaking and creative builds. The ideal mmo is one with lots of wpvp and options for gearing where most people are incapable of clearing the hardest bosses.


This doesn’t fit with anything else you said. If some “meta breaking” build actually let’s you succeed, and that’s something the better guilds can’t pull off, why would casuals be able to?


You do not understand what I mean by meta breaking. Example is ret paladins who found out how broken shadow oil spellpower reckoning was on private servers, because no one would give them physical dmg gear for ret. On classic its so easy they can even give give bad specs gear. An example that is on actual classic is warriors using diamod flask healing. I am not talking about things to make raiding much easier but things that no one expected and are broken in pvp.

Except we have all that info now and the meta still emerges without them doing p-server shenanigans that don’t actually rise to the occasion.

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They don’t do that here because shadow oil does not scale with spell power the same way

Because p-servers created a “meta” that was never authentic to Vanilla.

What you’re asking for is either Vanilla (where everything is so easy any build can work) or some absurd world where top guilds do X strategy, and super duper creative but apparently secretive underdogs pulls off some wacky Y strategy and still win.

WoW isn’t that flexible. This isn’t a PvP game like an FPS or MOBA, where even off-meta setups and strategies can work with a bit of creative teamwork and commitment to win. Progress in WoW is determined by pre-scripted encounters and we as players have only a half-dozen or less choices worth of abilities for each GCD, if we even do anything at all. Simple Excel models can capture 99.9% of any class’ rotation, weight stats, sort gear, and tell you what to hit and what to wear in less than a second.

RIFT tried the “many creative solutions” option early on, allowing insane customization. The reality set in quickly that until some standard fixed challenges were put into place, nothing was hard because choices ultimately didn’t matter. The Devs even banned people off the boards in the first months for “spoiling” things like Armor formulas and spell coefficients (yours truly being among them), but that proved fruitless as well. These games aren’t difficult to model and solve.


Indeed. It seems some posters don’t want authentic Vanilla, or authentic TBC. They want the private server experience…but on official Blizzard servers.