Give up and go fire

Having fun in a game you’re paying 15/mo for? o.O

You also drag 19 people down because you are having fun.


I didn’t realize that killing a boss was dragging people down. Myb

If you wiped on 1% because not enough dps then you will feel it.

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I’m done people. Turnitoff can spin it anyway they like. I suggest you go check out the logs for yourself to see how pathetic frost is everyone. Old mate argues that frost is being taken on progression and then argues that people have irl things to do and that’s why they aren’t there in the logs etc.

The logs show the best of the best frost mages struggling in regards to their fire counterparts and yet frost is viable apparently! As long as the boss died, it’s all fine!

You know what they say don’t waste your time arguing with stupid people, they will beat you at their own game.


This makes it evident you’ve not done serious progression before.

Frost isn’t better than fire. BUFF IT NAO!


Out of the all the wipes on bosses over T1 (Cutting edge), T2 (Cutting edge) and T3 (pre-classic) of BFA as a healer - I can count on my fingers how many times that’s happened. 99% of the time a wipe happens because 1-2 DPS die from standing in something they shouldnt have.

It’s clear the logs won’t answer the question of how far below frost is compared to the other specs. For that, you need data on the top players who are geared appropriately for each spec. Ideally, you take best players who are near perfect for each spec, provide them their ideal gear normalized by ilvl and then compare DPS numbers for each raid boss/mythic dungeon etc.

Honestly, though, I’d prefer it if frost was better so the metagamers stop running my spec. As long as fire is decent I’ll still play fire at the end of the day.

lol when you raid only 9 hrs a week, every pull counts. A Boss kill at the last pull of the day could speed up progress because of gear drop.

But, Yeah you do u go play with your Fury warriors and Azz rogue friends in Mythic, see how much time you will waste. Have fun with that btw.

Yeah because the top players don’t bother gearing correctly for their specs, smh. Guilds also tend to recruit people around the same skill level, for instance you wouldn’t see joe average in a top progression gulid. Perhaps the most telling is the lack of logs. In limit you won’t find a frost mage parse on their world first kills but you will find a fire one.

We raided 6 hrs/wk and US 200. I guess if your players are too slow to learn the mechanics with 9hrs/week you need to blame DPS being too low to explain your team’s short falls :man_shrugging:

I want to know the actual numbers. If the data is not there, then I can’t know those numbers until that data is generated. All this amounts to is a spec popularity contest at this point.

The logs are there, the top players and guilds are providing them. I don’t understand how you can look at the logs and go ‘nope these are all useless because they aren’t 100% perfect’

Who cares if you were 200, I don’t remember what spec sucked at that time anyway, or that you truly played with trash dps specs there.

Anyway, If your guild was tHat GoOd you could have ended up at least 150 if you played with Meta specs.

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Keep telling yourself that, Id take off meta and players that can execute mechanics over meta classes with mechanically slow players any day of the week. LMK how progress goes for you, I’ll be curious to see where you end up at the end of tier if that’s your guilds philosophy (class>player).

Sure, let me know what your Furry warriors guild progression goes too.

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Tell that to the guilds with Fury warriors that are 9/10M :man_shrugging:

[Peteezy - Frostmourne - Warcraft Logs](https:// www /character/us/frostmourne/peteezy)

Only play Fury at 1 boss, only 1.

Anyway I’m done It’s like talking to a brick wall.


There’s also x7 at 6/10M

iTs NoT vIaBlE. hAvE fUn WiTh Ur FuRrY wArRiOrS

You’re not, you’re just insisting that you can only play meta classes and doing that is stupid.
Yet here are these guilds, progressing faster than presumably you or I am able to. And they are running with these classes.

Fun fact, only 1 mage was taken into progression for WF because they wanted arcane int. I guess taking more than 1 mage is for trash guilds that don’t value progression and are holding their guilds back… same logic, its silly

The problem with frost is you are leaving 20% of the damage on the table versus fire or any other top pve spec. Yay, frost does have some uses particularly in rated BGs but even in arena fire is better. Frost and Fury being 20% down is just Blizzard being bad at balance.