It would be so cool. I never ask for anything.
Are Foresaken the same as undead?
Dude i would love that so much. I love undead and their whole aesthetic, but for whatever reason I can’t get into playing one b/c of their curved backs.
Yeah dude. That’s the name of the race in the game; Undead. Forsaken is the name of their people in the lore though. As Sylvanas dubbed them back in WC3. Although I guess Lordaeronean is technically correct for the vast majority of them as well.
All races with hunched backs should have a straight back option these days… Worgen, Trolls, Forsaken, etc.
honestly no, I would not expect a rotting corpse, or any zombie in any media, to walk upright like a human. it would take away a lot of their charm to see a whole bunch of literal rotting corpses walking around with perfect human-like posture. do you ever see zombies in any media walk fully upright and with perfect posture other than in minecraft?
at that point they’d literally just be a color change of humans
i think it would depend on the appearance type they choose… maybe the ones who aren’t rotted away with their spinal cord exposed, etc shouldn’t have the option but he ones who are “fresh corpses” with no bones exposed, etc, maybe can have the stand up straight option
Like these two above have no business being forced to be hunched over.
Right, but with thinner waists and rad hair.
pretty much
Right. That sounds awesome.
not really, I’d rather not have another human re-skin. or elf.
The basic ones of the fantasy world questioning the “uniqueness” of other races.
Anyway, give me the number of the chiropractor the Orcs found please.
I literally said undead shouldn’t have straight backs
also just because I post on a certain race doesn’t mean I can’t have a discussion lol
Yeah well, tough luck, we should have an option for a better posture just like orcs do. Every hunchbacked race should.
Brah, I’m on your side in this argument!
We got the hiding bones.
We are getting the fixed holes in the cloaks.
We are gonna get them straight postures.
Preserve the curve, the power of the Horde lies in its curvy boys n girls.
i refuse to take any “orc” without a hunch, seriously. might as well join the alliance tbh.
Pumpin you right!
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Straight back good posture for undead!