Give Undead a straight posture option

I play one, and I went Kyrian and yeah, he looks kinda sad and pathetic, even with the class armor and wings on. Also, when you’re with your group, (who are all standing tall and proud), you are over here hiding behind people in screenshots because you have a hunch.

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Trolls and Worgen would be so cool.

Worgen could look really intimidating with a straight back.

They would still be there dude. You’d just have an option. There’s nothing wrong with more options.

As soon as alliance get high elves. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ewww high elves

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I see your call and raise you an even hunchier-backed version.

People like to argue about this, but the short answer is YES.

If anything Blizzard screwed themselves with Maldraxxus since a lot of the undead in that zone that highly resemble Forsaken have straight posture

Now they have no reason to not add it.


how dare you denounce the horde power back as the orcs have done

My rotting corpse is my own!
- Illidead

Exactly and the undead models they use should be available as well. Why should NPCs look cooler than the players? Come on man!

especially for the fact in lore that they are suppose to be about as tall or taller than tauren.

Worgen Average Heights:
8 ft (244 cm) (female)
8 ft (244 cm) (males while hunched over) <-- average would be higher standing straight

The average height of taurens is 7 1/2 ft, with the max being male tauren who can reach a max of 9ft.

In otherwords, the average height of worgen are taller than the average height of tauren.

This works

Make an item or glyph called “Skeletal spine straightener” and have it show in game as an actual stick zip tied to the spine to straighten it out.

Which is never either never or so far into the future were all dead and it wont matter

Why hasn’t this even been implemented yet after so long? Undead is lacking on the customization features as it is.

Oh man, I wish but blizzard is far too busy with cubicle crawls and dodging lawsuits. They’ll give us some insanely goofy zero effort lore excuse why it can’t be done.

“The valkyr actually are only able to bring back ancient descendants of Quasimoto, don’t think about it too much. Also, buy our 6 month sub pack” - Activision Blizzard

Threads arise, bump and type. Bring victory at last to this fallen write.

Much like the undead this thread is back from the dead

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