Give the Horde better leaders

She could have done that after she froze all the ships in place without stopping to fight the Horde heroes. She was deliberately trying to kill them all, but she failed and then turned tail when she realized she was overwhelmed.

A few interesting bits that you had to drudge through mountains of garbage.
All in all, not worth the effort.

They are literally Gnomes but better because they still control the ancient gnome city before the curse of flesh changed them.

Her goal wasn’t to kill us. Her goal was to allow the Kul Tiran fleet to retreat so that the Horde heroes can’t destroy them. That goal was successful so she teleported back to home after they were out of our reach.

Hold on stop the presses. Erevien actually based all along???

If you’re willing to overlook his gushing praise of Anduin just because he doesn’t like furry little people, then I do not think you can legally use the word based. I’m very certain it is an internationally recognized crime.

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If she wanted to do all that she could have ported out after she froze all the ships in place.
Hell, she could have frozen all of the ships in place at the Zandalari docks even. All of this would have given more than enough time for the Alliance troops to get away.

Instead, she deliberately left avenues open for herself to get into a fight.


Because Blizzard wanted to make sure the battle didn’t feel like a total loss for the Horde side. Which didn’t work because they alliances objectivley didn’t suffer any casualties anyways. The battle of zuldazar was one massive middle finger in the face of the horde community and I hated every minute of it.

Why would they do that?

The alliance effortlessly sacked the city and tricked the army into going to Nazmir. They went in. Destroyed the fleet and killed the king. Then was able to flee unaffected by the rest of the Horde forces going after them. That victory was even worse then Teldrassil because the Horde suffered massive casualties to get to Darkshore. Bfa all in all was deeply unbalanced in the favor of the alliance and more people need to acknowledge that fact.

No, I’m asking why the writers would try to make the battle not a total loss in your opinion. Because you claimed they tried.

Because Blizzard knows this is a two faction game and the Horde players will stop subbing if they ever feel that the devs do nothing to give them a reson for it. And it failed. After 8.1 my guild disbanded because they saw no reason in playing a game that doesn’t grant them meaningful victories.

Yes they did.
Frida Ironbellows, Manceroy Flamefist, Mestrah the Illuminated, two Tidesages: All dead. Before the raid even started the Horde killed Telaamon, that badass lightforged blademaster we met on Argus. Numerous alliance troops who didn’t get to go home.

Horde beat up Gelbin Mekkatorque into a year long coma and we made Jaina turn tail and run away.

After it was all done, Anduin recognized the battle as an Alliance victory because they successfully sacked the city but an overall failure because they got the Horde riled up rather than deflating their morale.

I mean, did you even play the raid? :person_shrugging: :confused:

I did. And the alliance bias on it was disgusting to witness. Zandalar was for the alliance. Not the Horde. The Horde has nothing but failures in all of bfa.

If you say so. :roll_eyes:

No-name characters aren’t losses. Jaina and Gelbin would have been a fitting compromise for taking Rastaman away. But that didn’t happen. So my accusation of alliance bias still stands. And It will not go away until the alliance actually has to face real consequences for all the crap they did in Bfa.

I have a Vulpera. If I ever go back to Horde, it will probably be my main.


Awesome. Best of luck if you do go back :blush:

Rastakhan had just barely got on the scene, wasn’t even officially part of the Horde yet. Him dying, while sad, wasn’t exactly a stellar loss for the Horde.

Also, Telanji is clearly smarter and wiser than he was. Having her as queen now was a net gain for the Horde.

:+1: :blush: :fox_face:


Talanji is a weak willed pushover who ,just like Baine and Thrall, gives the alliance everything they want.

She only became queen because the Horde is not allowed to have too many male leaders.

He was a major character on the same level of importance as any other racial leader.

You are clearly an alliance main. Only alliance players like lore characters who signed the peace treaty that allowed the alliance to get away with all the crimes they committet during Bfa. You can’t even spell her name right.

Nope, been a Horde main since vanilla, not that I have to prove to you anything. I think you’re looking for Horde to be more like Tolkien’s orcs or Warhammer 40K Orks or whatever.

News for you. It’s not.

And Telunji was smarter than Rastakan. If not for Talinji, Rastahan would have sat stupid and inactive as the blood trolls turned his kingdom into an Old God’s toilet.

Rastakhan was a chad who got rid of Zul and his traitors. Talanji is a fool and traitor who invited the alliance to walk all over her people without consequences. She is an awful leader and needs to be removed by force just like the rest of the Horde council.