Give the Horde better leaders

Thank the gods nobody cares what you want :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hush now, Alliance fanboy. You don’t get to delete anything.


Hold on, so is what makes a character bad the impact they had on their people?

Jindo got his people all corrupted and killed, like twice.
Magatha got the Grimtotems screwed in their revolt.
Sylvanas basically screwed over the Horde and Forsaken in particular.
Kael’thas got the Blood Elves screwed over in Outland then joined the Legion.
Gallywix enslaved a good number of Goblins. Points for joining the Horde.
AU Grommash got his beat stomped by challenging Azeroth then failed to quell the Legion influence.
Elisande also screwed her people joining the Legion.
Dragrul never lead the Highmountain, but he seemingly screwed his people in a bid for power. I don’t actually know why, just for power?
Lei-Shen like twice saw the Mogu be an antagonistic superpower. That didn’t work out.


The Horde would be in shambles - worse off than it already was - if Kiro did not rescue it during their Allied Race quest.

Kiro and the Vulpera saved the Horde from itself, even after being declined.

Kiro is the best thing in the Horde -maybe that’s why Baine declined him. Baine must have gotten all big-headed after Lorthemar told everyone that Baine was the best of the Horde. So when Baine saw someone better than him try to join, Baine got jealous.

However, Kiro, with his infinite wisdom and benevolence, saved the Horde despite their cold initial rejection.

We saw what a Kiro-less Horde would be, in the Allied Race quest.


But just like Chen, Rexxar and Rokhan hate all those people you named as well.

Also, what the heck was Thrall supposed to do? Leave his people as slaves?

Do you hate the Horde? I dont even play Horde or really like Horde but


I’ve never felt so offended


I get such warm fuzzy feelings when alliance fans hate on the foxes. :fox_face:

A guy who ended an orc peon uprising without things getting violent? That alone set Kiro as the G.O.A.T. for diplomacy.

They should let him handle all future Horde/Alliance relation issues.


Everyone needs to adopt a adorable Vulpera. Best little dudes ever :blush:

Didn’t they end up beating up the union leader after?

It was a duel between the player and the leader just to prove a point that his aspirations of being warchief would never get anywhere, but yeah there was a tiny bit of violence.

That vs the normal way peon revolts tended to end in the Horde: Booterang to the noggin for the lot at the very best. If that failed, a whole lot of dead peons.

I’d say it’s a vast improvement.

I am not an alliance fan. I am the last true Horde patriot who wants to improve the faction no matter the cost.

Your words betray you, Evian.

The Horde can only prosper if we have races who are strong and can match the power houses the alliance got. Mecha Gnomes have their own city and Kul Tiras is lead by the strongest mage alive. Meanwhile the Horde didn’t get anything cool to compare to that. I want to change that unfairness.

Why you lying again? :rofl:

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Polluted trash heap.

Ran away at the end of her raid encounter with her own unique take on the paladin favored bubble-Hearth.

You just like all the Alliance leaders more than the Horde ones and want to replace the Horde leaders with mostly non-Horde villains.

How is that not an Alliance fan?

We all want you to change too. We want you to embrace your true self, unafraid of judgment. We want you to be who you really are.

So go on then. Just do it. Switch over to your level 60 human paladin. We will support you.

You are a human male paladin. You always want to keep the Horde down so that your alliance super power status is not threatened.

She retreated to safety after the alliance forces accomplished all their goals. That is not losing.

A place full of technological wonders.

So if I posted on my Blood Elf alt instead of my Human Paladin alt, my motivation would change?

And 19 levels higher than you!!

I think you maybe have level envy.