Give the Horde a break

It’s all such a mess. I mean, it doesn’t make sense with the new info that she was doing this for the jailer since she evacuated. It’s not like anyone else was in on a plan to lure them into a trap, feels more like we tried to hold them off, but when they broke through every defense with little problem she did the “If I can’t have it, no one can!” thing and blew it up.

I mean, doing it as horde it’s just getting beaten back at goal after goal, it certainly wasn’t presented as a planned trap, more of just a last ditch attempt to take them out with the city, which completely failed.

Basically if it was up to me I’d have crazed Forsaken act like this;

And even the completely sane ones acting a bit like this in combat. Prone to decidedly inhuman motion and making weird growls and screeches.

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I’m talking about when it got buffed to the no holds barred absolutely best pvp racial.
Everyone was human for that expansion.

It’s one of the things I love about the worgen too, though cannon and not
touched on often, but most are really one bad day away from becoming a rampaging feral wolf man :wolf:


Not the first time posting this but I’m fond of the Torment Of The Worgen from Karazhan"

"I did this. I don’t remember doing it, but it cannot be otherwise.

I have committed sins in my life before. I even killed a man once who didn’t deserve it. But this is different.

I am changed.

These murders were not my choice. A beast lives inside of me.

I will be hunted and shunned. I need to hide. Run. Bury the bodies.

I start to walk outside when I realize what truly bothers me.

I feel no guilt."

Huh that was kinda compelling. I almost don’t want to tell them the Nelves got some sorta chill pill moon juice.

I think the Worgen and Forsaken are unique in that they’re literally monstrous. Other races may have hooves or horns or big ole giant eyebrows that I suspect work like antenna.

But those two are actual predatory storybook monsters who can and will eat people.


When Ainhin was young and rebellious, somebody called him the e-slur. This changed him. He became what can only be described as a “reverse hipster”.

That video, ‘just a paper cut’ while he’s squirting out blood like he just nicked an artery. There’s just something charming in how ridiculous that scene is.

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The Alliance specifically failed at what it wanted to do in Dazar’alor. They never wanted to kill the king and the entire goal, stated both before and after, was to keep the Zandalari from joining the Horde, which they do.

It never made any sense from the start mind you, but even if you take it at face value the Alliance not only failed at their goal in Dazar’alor, they actually caused the thing they were trying to prevent.

So how exactly did the Alliance “did what it went in to do”?

Please explain.


As a military action they got in, destroyed the fleet, delivered their message, and got out as planned. The message didn’t have the effect they wanted, but that was the trolls not reacting how they wanted them to, not because the military action failed.


So they didn’t do what they went in to do then? Thought so.

So, you agree that the WoT was a failure for the horde too?

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What leaves a bad taste in my mouth is that the Alliance had to run away from the Horde after attacking the Zanadalari.

And they had to sacrifice the suicide force and the rearguard to do it.
Made the Alliance look weak and after WoT everything was high stakes game.


But that was the plan.

That was a situation where not running away would have been a disaster. It was a strike team making basically a terror strike on the capital to show what they were capable of, not a full blown invasion force that could have held the city against force.

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Terrible plan.

Why did it need to be a disaster? Writers could have decided and shifted the story in a way that it wouldn’t. And so it isn’t.

It would have been better if it had been and the end of the raid the zone is changed into a wartorn ruin of a city. That would have been pretty cool.

They destroyed the fleet, killed most of the civilian population, and a massive chunk of the Zandalari army. Roux’s book covers this.

What more did the Alliance want?



They killed the fleet, and while they didn’t get a surrender or keep them out of the war they killed the leader in a move that would destabilize the enemy.

So what, because they could have written something else, a plan that went off remarkably well is a failure because it didn’t do something that they couldn’t do for gameplay purposes and take away one faction’s expansion capital?

They want the Horde player to have to suffer more for their enjoyment.

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Because they could have done it without the raid… All they had to do was press a button.
The rest of the raid was pointless.

Its not about the plan succeeding or failing. An escape is still an escape.

Funny that making Alliance players suffer for zone re-distribution, or Horde content like Theramore, cataclysm alliance destroyed zones by Horde and etc are somehow justified to you.
Because you know zone redistribution right? According to you we can’t have zone redistribution without the Horde burning and blowing up Alliance hubs.
Yeah after the Horde destroyed Teldrassil and then denied the win at Lordaeron I wanted Alliance to come in and wreck something of the Horde for once but you seem to think that only Horde players are supposed to be allowed to do that?
Kind of unfair man. Kind of unfair.

I never justified the way they did the zone redistribution. i’ve always said I would have preferred the story behind it to have changed so it didn’t cause the hard feelings and villain bat the horde.

Or. and hear me out here.

When you win something, Like UC, or Dazar’alor, or all of BFA, Tyrande whooping on Nathanos and Sylvanas, you can take the freaking win and not spin your little butt off figuring out how the Horde really won by losing something


Yes you did. Every time I brought up the lack of content in Alliance zones you justified it with the zone redistribution. If anyone doubts it they can scroll up and read.

When I actually see it sure! I would love to. When is definitely the key word.
But so far the only thing that was close to “winning” I saw was when Tyrande finally killed Nathanos but that was long after this guy had done tremendous damage already so Tyrande walking off all depressed was not really much of a crowd pleaser.

I mean, I’ve said that yes, Blizz did the thing where they planned to do more than they could do, but for a change the horde got the advantage, since, you know, the point was to fix the problem they’d been stuck with for the entire rest of the games life prior to cata?

It’s just what happened, they were bad at estimating what they could get done, but there was an incentive to focus on a problem to fix, that left other problems hanging. It’s not justification, it’s just a recounting of what happened.

Cool, I’d still love to see the Horde actually win something for once using your definition of win.