Give the Horde a break

Definitely a coincidence. A character boost comes with every expansion.

:skull: :skull: :skull:


He’s a reactionary troll poster. He doesn’t actually understand what he’s responding to :wolf:


Sure it will. Micah’s in this thread specifically doing it.
“The Alliance was incompetent” Myallison claims, whilst the peons of the night elves kill more horde soldiers than horde soldiers kill night elves, and without the night elf army being present.

“B-b-b-but the Vindicaar!”

“B-but we didn’t kill your leader in Lordaeron and our leaders almost died!” (ignoring Saurfangs capture, btw!!)


It’s amazing how you can take me talking about how the worgen got almost no content in Cata and than proceed to completly fail to understand and than processed to confuse me for someone else YET AGAIN.

Do you even know what you’re responding too? Because I literally said none of that :wolf:

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It’s absolutely a coincidence. The Alliance decline has been a peak and valley situation since as early as late Wrath. People switched factions for pvp, for raiding, for racials, for any number of things that have absolutely unfairly balanced the factions in favor of the Horde.

Leveling isn’t one of them. First time levelers won’t know the grass might be greener on the other side until they’ve been to both lawns. Repeat levelers already know they’re not funnelled into a single zone at any point in time and can easily skip poorly balanced zones like Twilight Highlands. Other zones with less compelling stories such as Westfall can be avoided in favor of Bloodmyst, Darkshore or Loch Modan.

And let’s not pretend the Alliance population was suffering during MoP/WoD. Rebalanced racials benefitted the Alliance there in PVP and most PVP-focused players swapped to team blue. The current decimation of the Alliance population is not the result of leveling by any means, and that’s a pretty silly thing to attribute it to.

The population imbalance absolutely should be addressed with something more substantial than “well Alliance, maybe you can join some Horde raids via cross faction if they somehow can’t find Horde players to do it!!” But quest “balancing”, especially post-Shadowlands? That ain’t fixing anything.


I didn’t mention or reference either of us discussing Gilneas. At all.

You should actually read what Myallison wrote, instead of what you wish they wrote.


Nothing you just posted, disproves what I just said. It’s amazing how little reading comprehension you actually have. :wolf:


If she gets to cherry pick ancient quests, I certainly get to point out the elephant in the room.

I just wonder what they can do outside of just some sort of massive imbalancing factor. I mean from what I’ve heard from friends who pay attention to that stuff, Alliance races as a whole have pretty good racials with a slight degree of advantage over the horde as a whole. Right now it just seems to be self feeding from the fact that the horde has more people so more people use the horde for that content because its easier to get groups. Hopefully the cross faction options help out with that some, but not sure what else the devs could do that’s not overkill that’d just reverse the problem.

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Mechagnomes have the best racials in the entire game.
But at the caveat that your character must wear a diaper.
A worrisome proposition.

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The only solution I can think of is completely dissolve faction restrictions for all players and let anyone go anywhere and do any content.

That would probably require an old world update because a Worgen doing Horde Silverpine questing would obviously be really really weird for example

It could make sense if they simply say a pack of worgen defected to the horde. Problem solved. :wolf:

I have some hesitations about complete dissolving from a content perspective. When you took out the war nonsense, I liked the way BFA questing worked, and I’d love to see more of that where each side gets their own stories and content based around their own story. Let us have more story in the game, let the alliance player go through a questing experience that is centered on the concerns of their faction and deal with their own plots, and let the horde do the same.

As opposed to expansions that try to be neutral, but they tend to have less variety, and a tendency to favor the point of view of one side more than the other. But this is just greedy and wanting to get more story content to play through than running up scores. I know for me alts are a chore as way too often most of what you play through ends up being the same no matter what faction you’re playing.


Honestly, I truly believe the only way to possibly reverse the trend would be giving the Alliance massively unbalanced racials for an expansion.

Even if they just 100% balanced the racials, people wouldn’t suddenly jump back over to the Alliance. Why pay the extra $25 to have parity when you can still have it staying where you are? Even a small imbalance favoring Alliance wouldn’t reverse the flow significantly in a (relatively) short period of time. A 5% bonus is nice and all, and some people certainly would switch over for it, but in significant numbers to rebalance populations? Unlikely.

But I don’t think Blizzard would go for the highly unbalanced racials, because the optics of it would be absolutely terrible.

Whatever incentive they give has to be something big enough to overcome the hurdle of inertia.

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Yeah, we’re seeing that even with slightly imbalanced racials in the Alliance’s favor, it’s not enough to overcome the inertia and other issues.

I’m hoping that cross faction grouping will help out since that might even things out instead of reversing the problem. But that also needs way for cross faction guilds or guild like groups to form.


I’m in the minority who think cross-faction grouping, in its current form, is ultimately worthless.

It’s for raids and dungeons, right? Well, if I’m regularly doing either of those, I’m looking for a regular team. If I can’t find players on my faction, I might test out joining a guild run from another faction to see how it goes, but that’s not going to be my regular thing. At most, if I like the way Default Horde Guild runs their raids, I’ll faction change and join their guild. Same for M+. Cross-faction as it currently is comes across more as an advertisement and testing grounds for Alliance players to “try before they buy” their future Horde guild.

I don’t expect it to stem the tide. Instead, I see it helping the flow over to Horde.


For what class?

You can look up the sims yourself, mechagnomes are good, but not the best for most specs. Orcs and trolls are actually at the top a lot. You can switch also between single target and aoe for the different specs.

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I get some flak for this, but I’ve always felt the drumbeat some people run of the Horde Bias being behind all these issues is hurting the alliance more than anything. It just feels like it’s promoting a feeling that the deck is stacked by the devs against the Alliance mechanically and that can shorten tempers and other things that make it harder to get group content going. Just in the sense people are more likely to quit after a smaller problem because they feel they were set up to fail in advance.

I feel like the only way to use racials is for them to be so completely broken it forces changes. I mean, look at it lately, Night Elves have had such a massively useful racial in M+ content that they dominate the competitions, but it’s not enough to get people to swap away from the better group finder.

I’m just figuring cross faction stuff will provide an avenue for the people who want to do the content on an alliance character with easier access to more people. If they keep the current racials, you might see that leading to more people playing alliance for those advantages now that it means they don’t have to give up the more convenient player pool.

Plus, that would mean a real chance of a world first raid group running a mixed faction group, and that’s one of the bigger driver of player behavior in copying the strats the top players use even if they don’t play at a level where that kind of min maxing really comes into play.