Give the Horde a break

When the horde saves the alliance for no reason

I can already see the drama from some horde players if that happened

I even want a horde commander, some sort of famous minor character to say for the alliance before he/she dies


Eh. It’d just be Baine, and nobody would be bothered.


Blizzard decided to narratively blame the villain Horde thing on the Warchief position, which was abolished in favor of the Horde Council. So I think we’re in the clear.

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Yup. You hit the nail on the head. Most of us who played horde don’t wanna play villain sim. That was never the initial appeal. Give that option to people who want it on both sides tho.


technical…the wot was a big horde win, the tactic was dirty, right, and it was an display of war criminals without any reason and painted/framed the horde in an blackest of black light, but that means not that the wot was not a win for the Horde.

or should i sai…victories?


To quote myself, again, that will last exactly until some writer gets stung by the stupid bee and does this:


Posted this in general. Although not sure if i should have posted in this thread on the Story Forum because of what the thread posting rules stated

I think that’s just bad story telling. Blizzard is seems to really hate the idea of players identifying and playing as the ‘bad guy’ whatever that means.

I found it really strange i couldn’t side with Garossh in Cata/MoP instead the game wanted me to hate him, someone whose motives and action are justifiable.

So they write faction leaders that are unrealistically psycho like sylvanas & jailer who are evil because… Being evil???

Zul’Jin is another tragic example. He went from a understandable villain with understandable motives, then proceeded to turn him into a cartoon villain and retroactively now are doing it with Arthas as well as Sylvanas.


If you want to look to the past, we have talked about “The evil, Horde” and “The Alliance had a right to do those things” memes until we are blue in the face.

The bottom line is that Blizzard has shown that don’t have anything for the Horde that isn’t being the foes of the Alliance. Nothing will change until that changes.


At least nothing that is major plot. There’s lots of small stuff. But it is small stuff compared to huge horde aggression displayed in the game.

I do think we need to see some alliance aggression in the game as major plot. And it doesn’t have to be an “all alliance are now bad guys” narrative either. Just show some major lore characters do an evil and have to answer for it.


The Horde ravaged the zone. Nothing to brag about.

Mana bomb. War crime.

Forsaken blight. War crime.

But that’s entirely another problem. The map is basically frozen in Cataclysm, so of course it won’t reflect much of what we’re talking about here.

Well, back to my answer. I don’t care about that. I don’t want any specific Horde win over the Alliance, I want a major shift in how they write the Horde (its identity, its place in the narrative, its place on Azeroth in regards to the Alliance).
However, if you really want me to give you an example of a Horde win I’d like to witness, I’d say some form of retribution for the humiliation the Zandalari suffered would be much needed.

I don’t. There are many problems with the writing of the Alliance too, but they’re of a different nature.

Yeah that’s what it feels like. Or else, they wouldn’t have made the so-called “Loyalist route” in BfA so… frustrating ? Punitive ? Bad ???


Are we? I am convinced that the current lore team can’t write anything for the horde without making them the villains. Have you noticed how little of a presence we have in shadowlands and legion? They purposely do not explore horde lore, take shadowlands for example. You would think they would use shamans and their connection to spirits or spirit walker and their connection to their ancestors. I am still shocked it is not in there.


Thrall is on the council and leading the orcs. I feel hopeful that the Horde villain baiting has stopped.

Do you REALLY want that? After witnessing the entire NE belief system getting dunked on and Elune being mostly incompetent?

I don’t think y’all would’ve like what blizz would’ve done if they explored the other religions :wolf:


Even if it has which I doubt, since its a mandatory feature of blizzard narratives, that just leaves the horde as apologetic puppies without a story of their own.


The faction LARPing and false dichotomy that drowns these threads is sad.


i mean, they have confirmed Elune’s realness and haven’t stolen her away from the Night Elves to give her to like the Goblins or something. Or singled her out for derision in one of their latest books?

I really appreciated how after the Tauren heritage quest was this meaningless vague set up for SL or something with a teaser of Cairne saying he’d see Baine later only to have Baine be all “Nah, I know dad’s always with me, we don’t need to actual tell any Tauren stories that don’t involve humans.”


No. They just made her look incompetent instead.


“Faction dichotomy” is what we all signed up for, in some way. And I see no “faction LARPing” here, merely involvement.


I’m still waiting for some Horde characters to show up this xpac. Anduin, Jaina and Tyrande have shown up multiple times and every time Baine and Thrall are either not around or holding the fort.

This happens every god damn time there’s a non-faction war xpac.


Meta discussions are incompatible with participants who think the game, characters, or stories are reality. Confining said meta discussions to exactly two extreme options is not conducive to meta discussions.