Give Purge a cast time and cooldown

Seriously, we have shaman and priests on our server who die in SW or BB, pop up, purge someone and die, and then just keep doing that for an hour around raid time. It’s ridiculous. Even a 1 second cast time would allow them to be killed before they get it off. I’m not complaining about ganking, I’m not complaining about corpse camping; I’ve one shot lowbies on my rogue just for kicks or hit them with a 15 second fear while they’re AoE farming. I’m speaking specifically to this issue. Or hell, make DM:T buffs unpurgable.

Dispellers are doing God’s Work :pray::raised_hands::raised_hands::pray::raised_hands::pray: :pray::muscle::pray::raised_hands::pray::raised_hands::pray::raised_hands::pray::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::pray::pray::raised_hands::pray::pray::muscle::raised_hands::+1::raised_hands::pray::raised_hands::raised_hands::pray::pray:


How about nah


OR they could just make DMT+Songflower non magical to stop the textbook griefing which is supposed to be against ToS and earn these people bans.


Have you ever died in Stormwind as a horde character? That run back is possibly more annoying than having to go get buffs again. They are being punished already by the game.


That would mess with purge/dispel for PVP and PVE uses outside of the rez dispelling though.

Dispel is super useful both offensively and defensively. I don’t agree with nerfing it over this.


thats hilarious , same thing on earthfury but its preists and mages dieing in org , tb , and UC at all the important locations. my suggesttion, server xfer to pve.


PVP is not griefing.


The salt here is delicious.

  1. it can be.
    If your only intention with pvp is to ruin another persons enjoyment of the game that is by definition griefing. The way these players play males it clear this is what they are doing.
  2. debuffing isn’t pvp.

Blizzard doesn’t have a ToS. They have a Code of Conduct and using Purge is not against that Code of Conduct.

Now, that being said, It could be if the player-base made a big enough stink about it. But, as things stand right now, this isn’t considered griefing.

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sounds like a lot of copium

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They actually do have a ToS you agree to it before you play the game in which it states you can be banned for violations of the code of conduct. One of the parts of the code of conduct is that you are not allowed to grief players.

I did not say casting the ability purge/dispell is griefing. Context matters.

If you are in a BG you are playing for an objective and so using your abilities is part of the game.

However when a player does nothing but sit in the enemy capital city for hours on end doing nothing but rezzing and casting dispell on peoples world buffs, that is very clearly griefing. They are making no attempt at pvp they are not trying to get any honor or any benefit for themselves in the game. They are 100% just trying to interephere with someone else playing the game(griefing).

However because no matter what punishments Blizzard implements people will be terrible trolls, the solution should be the same as they used for the dragonslayer sapping issue, remove the trolls ability to troll and prevent the toxic players from being able to be toxic with as minimal change as possible. Make the world buffs non magical.

Also that video is a completely different situation.

No, that’s called an EULA.


It simply doesn’t cross the line into griefing. If it did, they would be punished. But we specifically have an example of a GM erroneously punishing someone for dispelling, and then the punishment being reversed. So, yeah, It’s simply not griefing, just like resetting Dragonslayer isn’t exploiting.


Might wanna look at that story again they were very different circumstances.

He was initially banned for targeted harrassment of a streamer, however he had little to no evidence that was the case and was happening at the entrance to BWL.

However anyone with basic reasoning can clearly see that people sitting in capital cities for hours on end is 100% griefing, regardless of it they are being published for it.

If Blizzard wants to be consistent with the rulea they have written they should be punishing these people for clear violations of the code of conduct.
“Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable”

Not sure how anyone could argue that doing nothing but removing player buffs for hours on end for no personal player progression is anything but griefing. They go on to say that
"Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, "

So the correct action would be for everyone to report these players and if enough players actually do it we might see changes to the game to remove this purely toxic behavior that only makes the game worse.

However the simplest solution that would be most effective is to just not let trolls troll and make the buffs non magical, then if you want to remove players world buffs you have to put in a least some attempt at pvp by trying to kill the player and earning some honor.

Actually the simplest and most effective solution would be to send everyone who doesn’t want their buffs dispelled to a PVE server where they can choose whether they are flagged for it or not. That way, PVP servers don’t get ruined by lame rules that disrupt fun.


They are consistent. This happened on a PvP server. If you don’t like it, move to a PvE server. Simple as that.


Sorry please read the quote from the code of conduct again, then try to explain how engaging in a behavior that ONLY detracts from another players enjoyment of the game and gives you no benefit is not a violation of that rule?

“The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.”

“If you chose to create your character on a PvP realm, Game Masters will not address situations where you are repeatedly killed by the opposite faction. This includes situations that may be considered dishonorable such as corpse camping or killing players well below your level.”

It doesn’t get any more clear that that.

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