Give pro flyers their own servers

At :clap: least :clap: he :clap: doesn’t :clap: clap :clap: after :clap: every :clap: word :clap:.


Oh lord, now you’ve done it. REEE

Classic is far from proof. If classic was released during wrath or even cata, classic would still have less active players.

You can’t take something that is incredibly circumstantial, at best, and treat it as irrefutable evidence. Actually you could do that but then you’d be a fool.


Hmmmmm, nah.

zones are designed around flying

Blizz hates flying because they don’t want to have to design levels around the use of free form flight like they did half of their xpacs. That is either laziness or a lack of budget. Blizz does not have a lack of money nor revenue so that narrows it down.


No they’ve said it ruins gameplay and we agree

They don’t work hard creating new worlds just so you can skip it and fly over everything

lol? That has barely ever been a thing if ever. I know you think flying over a chasm is some kind of great gameplay worth being designed around but it isn’t.

OP, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Flagged for spam.

Have a good night.


Are you sure you’re not a Paladin because I heard the thunder of that smite from way over here.

My Paladin has brown hair, this toon has blonde hair. This toon dual wields, my paladin does not. And yes, my Paladin is a girl too. This toon is my main, my Paladin is not even in my top 3.

So yep, not a Paladin.

Classic hasn’t proven it as Classic never had flying in the first place.

Wait until BC launches, then get back to us about what’s been proven.


There go those voices in your head again. REAL PEOPLE EXIST, HAGUSTUS! This isn’t the Matrix!


You do know you losing it every thread is a big reason why I make these lol

Its shouldn’t be Flying Vs Ground , just have both but make ground more interesting , maybe increase max speed to 180%

Aww. He has a crush.

I do I love my number 1 fan lol

Know what, at least your honest about it. Lots of people wouldn’t be straight up like that.

Once you’ve done all the quests , seen all the zones , done at least every dungeon at least once in normal and maybe something like a Hello Kitty Island adventure and possibly one LFR or normal raid you’ve seen the game for that patch you have seen the content and flying for that part no longer skips content .

Random trash mob # 1,250,699,932 is not content and most people could give rotund rodents rectum about wpvp.


We don’t really care you don’t participate in a huge portion of the game

Go have fun on ur bubble wrap pve server😂