Can’t follow the Star Wars formula & regurgitate, bring something new & advance the “story”.
Can’t follow the Star Wars formula & regurgitate, bring something new & advance the “story”.
Flight was a huge controversy in tbc and wrath
Not everyone thought it was great like you claim
That’s a silly idea. It would break up guilds, raid teams, etc. Not to mention the technical work. Isn’t it easier just to scroll past the topics you don’t like?
Almost entirely for world PvP reasons, which is a pretty small portion of the game. World PvP, has shown to be pretty terrible numbers game most of the time.
So… people can’t agree on anything.
People, don’t engage Hagustus. That’s how he wins.
I highly encourage mocking him, that’s fun for the whole family. But don’t pretend like you’re going to get a real conversation with a real human being out of him.
Seriously, you can smell the bait a mile away.
No it was for gameplay reasons
Skipping every terrain and ounce of danger is terrible game design
That’s why blizz hates flying
That’s why a lot of people hate flying
And yes it also ruins world pvp a huge part of wow
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
The voices in your head don’t count as a lot of people, sunshine.
I’m sorry I offended you so much
Cool. Another anti-flying thread.
Psst. You can enjoy both btw.
Just because many don’t like a certain aspect of the game, it doesn’t mean all have to like or dislike the same thing.
Luck to you in your way of thinking.
Enjoy the game.
As always, you’re far too pathetic to offend me.
Sorry to disappoint, since I know you’re trying so very hard
The thing that made me laugh most was you capitalizing the “Zero”
I was going to respond with a 0/10 for argument and then I saw that you are the same person that said Teldrassil was Genn’s fault.
I would encourage you to read up on developing compelling arguments and try again in a few weeks time.
This isn’t the dumbest thing I’ve heard today but it’s a close second.
That and learning to structure his posts.
At least it’s not like a Discord server.
Okay buddy but that was like one sentence you could have just said it in a single message.
RIGHT? This has quickly become a pet peeve of mine.
The wod backlash over pathfinder and every xpac before it having greater sub numbers says that is a lie.
You prefer it one way and that’s fine. However, treating your way as the only way is arrogant to say the least.