Give me my legendary!

No it doesn’t. It’s not for me. I get annoyed when I don’t. And then usually him like about time when it finally does

that whole “meaningful loot” is code for let’s make you work longer

The skill involved is the evokers killing the higher difficulty of sark.

laughs in Rasz bow

And still faced with RNG

Clearly this DK was left dead too long cuz theres nothing going on up there

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You mean like the people who got lucky day 1? Rng is an awful system for something like this.

The best legendary system is the Shadowmourne/Tarecgosa one where you have a long questline with multiple forms of the weapon that you need to work with your guild and community to get.

This RNG stuff is not the way.

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I didn’t feel happy or ecstatic when it dropped for me yesterday. I felt relieved I don’t have to step in the stupid raid ever again on 5 Evokers every Tuesday.

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It took me months to get Dragonwrath back when it was current content. That, to me, was meaningful.

A 1% RNG drop is just bs and a waste of my time.

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Higher difficulty gives you better RNG and that is exactly how it should stay!

Well at least you acknowledged its just RNG and not skill based

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Nah that wasn’t very meaningful, it doesn’t feel good to just be handed a legendary for free

There’s a whole questline behind it, and every random evoker seems to get it, even if they never plan to complete the quest line or don’t even push content.

Sure, but it means so much to me when I don’t have to waste my time

It doesn’t need to be guaranteed but… Surely they can find some reasonable middle ground

The skill involved is killing sark on higher difficulties. You only get the lowest RNG if you choose to not clear sark on higher difficulties.

Every evoker in the game is given the same opportunity to kill mythic sark should they choose.

But some evokers don’t want to work for it and want to be given a free 457 weapon for killing sark on LFR

Not to mention those quests were a huge team effort. Yeah, now you can just go bam boom pow and abuse a double lockout, but back when these were legendaries of merit you had a whole team to work with. It was definitely not a solo task or something everyone had, as OP claims.

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Wasting time to me is a 1% RNG drop. Running the raid for guaranteed quest drops and doing a questline isn’t wasting time to me.



But…yeah, this whole RNG business tied to a legendary is just terrible. This is how hunters felt with the bow back in SL, and they had no bad luck protection.

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Oh yea, very skill based to kill mythic sark several times and have dangles the evoker do LFR once and get it

Why do you hate skilled players?

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Multiple full clears of the raid
Doing more challenging versions of the boss for infusions
Working with your guild closely to make sure you get the pieces
Following a questline teaching you why the item is legendary.

Skill based and meaningful:
1% drop rate

You know what, id love more free legendaries then.


First of all, evokers CANNOT get the legendary if they don’t kill sark.

If the evoker chooses to put in more effort and kill mythic sark, they would get their legendary much, much faster

Indeed! It was a lot of fun to get the guild involved. We even had an entire RP storyline based around it, too. :slight_smile: