Sure. What time?
Everytime I see one of these threads I will always comment in support, give us our elemental! I would willingly take a dps loss as I mostly play solo to have it back.
It’s been a while since I got mine (on my lock), would mirror image work as a second target?
I see people say ‘get a friend’ what if you are on at a lull time when none of your friends are on? Or they are all busy doing other stuff, either in game or not. Or the dreaded, you just like playing by yourself, not because you might be a loner, but that’s how you play or irl it’s filled with people and it’s filled with people. Then your pet(s) are your helpers here, rather than human players.
I want the elemental back as an optional non-combat pet outside of Icy Veins for RP purposes. That said, I did Tarecgosa questline after the change, and you can still pull it off.
I want back my off GCD / castable while casting Freeze.
I’ve been swamped at work today, but I might be able to log on tonight or tomorrow. Would that work for you? If you haven’t done it already haha.
Just add me as a friend and we can schedule without bringing the whole fourm into it.
and @ Phylnch it’s not work for me. It’s real life stuff. Then work in a different sense. I can’t really say it if not asked, though, I won’t feed you it either, except maybe a metaphor in one line - Blizzard, in game a good themselves at doing this ++ for Blizz . Per CoC, here and other places! Al;so, time zones may make it slightly or majorly impractical, that why seeing peoples posts (and hopefully you might respond to my other posts now - if you agree even more so) because of this reason.