Give heirloom xp bonus back

you cant justify them being the way they are costing the gold they cost right now with very little benefit

Leveling is actually faster when you have a full set of gear. Stuff dies quicker.

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The point is I don’t have to slap enchants on them constantly, or go hunting for pieces because I’m 15 levels higher than my pants, and I’m about to get dumpstered if I go into a random BG with half my gear not even in the range.

Putting BiS enchants on them and taking them into battlegrounds and dungeons still leads to extremely good results.

Levelling is so ridiculously fast now it doesn’t matter. People just see the exp bonus gone, and then don’t even stop to think about the levelling speed now compared to how it used to be even with the heirlooms.


One of the most useless changes of the expansion, until the last few weeks that is. They should have at least refunded gold spent or even half.


I added it up, it costs 97,750 gold to fully upgrade one whole set of gear. That’s not counting how much it cost to buy them in the first place. I’ve got so much excess cash sloshing around my personal guild bank that I just went ahead and upgraded all my heirlooms to 3/4, and the rings/trinkets/necks/cloaks to 4/4.
Anyway, most of my alts I level mainly through doing holidays and Darkmoon Faire profession quests so don’t get a lot of new gear doing that. I got a couple of trinkets from Coren Direbrew, but then gained a level, and the trinkets were lower than the heirlooms again, so why bother?

I don’t get why people are still whining about “No XP bonus”. You already level ludicrously fast, ~20 hours or less to level 50. If you want to go faster than that, just buy a flingin’ flangin’ level boost.

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I must have mis-read the wowhead post. It seems that the cost of half a million is for all of the pieces of gear, not 1 set of gear.

I dont mind there being no bonus XP, but the current set bonus’ are a joke and seem to mostly be there to show they tried.

Like, if you wear certain sets, maybe have it Xmog you to a certain character model instead of the era of Heirloom you wear. There could be other things it could do thats not combat related if they do not want you to level even faster.

I mean, if you like leveling fast then there is still a point. Heirlooms still provide the fastest leveling.


Your telling me the nerfed versions of the items i purchased are the same? Than why am I leveling at the near same rate as a character without it and has similar stats.

I spent months farming the heirloom BG XP increase trinkets. Would be nice to be able to level through BGs relatively well again. I mean, I get to do more BGs now. But it does suck I worked so hard to get the trinkets just to have them essentially made useless. And it is sort of a slap in the face to everyone who got heirlooms to level alts better and spent hundreds of thousands of gold to then change their usefullness for whatever b.s. reason they were changed.


Used to be a decent gold sink. Only heirloom items worth upgrading now are the weapons imo. They also used to be a decent time warped badge sink. Have over 20k time warp badges in most of my characters, and nothing to really spend them on now, once you buy mounts, toys, etc.

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I kinda wish each type of armor had one set and you could choose one or two of options: Haste, Crit and Mastery (halved if you pick two).

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You can already level causally to 50 in 10 hours, how much faster does it need to be?

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I thought we should have had 2 sliders in our interface panel, one for stats and one for xp gain. The range on the sliders would have been determined by how many heirlooms you had purchased. But even new players would have been able to increase their stats a bit if they were struggling.


My speculation is that the stats were reduced because they began to take on the aspect of being “mandatory” gear for a lot of the min-max crowd and “unbalancing” in PvP, according to some.

I’m also guessing the XP bonus was removed as a feeble attempt to pad the Time Played metric.

Pretty much the only merit heirlooms have to them now is the “level with you” aspect.

So basically they went from Awesome, to decent, to …meh.

This will probably be the first time I don’t upgrade my heirlooms. The XP boost being gone and the cost to upgrade them this time just isn’t worth it. If the stats were still as good as they used to be, I might consider it, but even then, it would have to be a bit cheaper with the XP boost being gone.