Give heirloom xp bonus back

They can add gloves, belt and boots to the set and make the rest of the set bonus an xp bonus.

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People often say things like that when people do not agree with them.
Not really affecting me in any way.

Then don’t use them anymore. We got many years of hard use out of the old heirlooms, it’s been well worth the gold cost. Being temporary doesn’t decrease value. But times change, stuff happens. We can survive without an exp boost. Leveling is dramatically better now.

I actually think it’s kind of nice to be able to use questing gear again and that heirlooms aren’t mandatory anymore. The stats on them were nerfed awhile back because they were considered to be too strong at low levels. People who didn’t have heirlooms just got deleted by those who did, in PvE and PvP. We liked the power sure, but Blizz sometimes prioritizes the overall game over our opinion.

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knowing blizzard it will be like 5% wont match the 40% it used to stack up to. IF they decide to re add it most likely they are ignoring it to just make more stupid changes to names

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I agree the set bonus should be 50% with the new pieces!

who cares about the lowbies who dont have them? give veteran players a edge for alts

Ah a thread I can get behind :laughing:

I had an idea for people who don’t want the XP for whatever reason

and a bonus I just realized, it’d allow vet players to wear looms to quest with new players (friends/ family) and not outlevel them :+1:

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i would like to outlevel newer players like we did before because we have played longer the point of heirlooms

Equip the Sphere!

But you’d likely outlevel new players regardless because you don’t have to think about what you’re doing. You don’t need to look and see where your abilities are, what they do, which way to go for a quest, how to vendor items, how to repair, none of that stuff, you can just level so you’ll certainly be faster :+1:

But yeah, equip my (hypothetical) sphere of xp and you’ll have the xp bonus back :smiley:

a static xp boost would make it faster by default not even knowledge wise of the class the point of looms

Maybe not for you, I stay on BIFL :laughing:

I want everything I buy to last until I die :laughing:

Luckily since this is a video game stuff can change back :heart:

I’d rather not go through anything, just surviving :-1:

Leveling is leveling :man_shrugging:

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not opening my bags to swap gear :laughing:

Nerf them in pvp :+1:

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Dual wields/sword and boards make out well here. If RNG likes you once…rarely does it like you 2 times as easily.

Casters like me who hate wand/offhand hell…it real nice. I know at 50 ding I will enter wand hell on a new caster at some point. and that hell can be for weeks on end.

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I’m not fond of changes that force everyone into a playstyle. An heirloom with 55% xp allows you to be 55% faster and allows others to be slower :+1:


What “leveling gear bonanza”? A leveler without heirlooms has empty trinket and ring slots for most of their levels.


I’m with Rhielle on this.

I love my gear scaling and only having to remog the few pieces I don’t have looms for.

However, I get why people are upset. I think we should be able to adjust our leveling rate, and not by just turning it off:

  • Equipping Heirlooms gives an On/Off switch that defaults to OFF, but can be switched on for even fast leveling.
  • A switch allowing you to slow down leveling as if the level cap was currently 130.
  • Give every character a slider to set the rate anywhere from what it is now to as slow as you want without turning it off entirely which would still require speaking to an NPC. If you’re wearing looms your slider speeds up to what it would be if you’ve turned that speed-rate buff ON.
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Have leveled more alts than I should just the last month. Have never had that problem, and I dont even use the heirlooms I have.

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Double it :slight_smile:

You have not explained what the “leveling gear bonanza is” yet.

The idea that you had rings and trinkets from level 1 without heirlooms is not credible. Most players I see leveling without heirlooms at 20 have numerous empty slots and a few white items.


I think that’s an interesting idea. But I don’t think Blizz would agree. Honestly, I’d just like to see better set bonuses. A speed boost while outdoors, a small heal while outdoors, etc. Things that don’t work in dungeons, but make leveling more interesting.

To be fair, leveling lowbies is more fun than the new content we have. At least, to me.

I get a lot of stuff from dungeon loot boxes at the end of the run.


Have you noticed how “impacting” at lower levels rings and trinkets really are ?
Do they really make much of a difference ?

I happen to have more than one account, and in one I did not cared about getting most heirlooms.

Leveled in both and there is actually very little to no difference.

You might as well just get the gear you are given regardless and having better “rest of the gear”, full heirloom makes you actually worse.

Which by the way is pointed out in this very topic.

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