Give Dracthyr Boobs Megathread

Remember everyone, this is about giving Dracthyr boobs. There’s no need for real-world propaganda entering the fantasy world.

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I already did, both the doctor and my insurance company said I didn’t qualify.

I just took a look a pictures of Platypus and Echidnas and I didn’t see any boobs.

Also, dragons look more like crocodiles or alligators. Those don’t have boobs either.

I think blizzard knows whats breast


That’s because they don’t have nipples…

… and neither do Dracthyr in their dracthyr form.

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…and neither does anything female in WoW.

Yet many of them have boobs.

In this game they now look like the demon dogs from Ghostbusters. :grin:

Except it’s already there, and that’s why this thread needs to exist.

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Riptor from Killer Instincts didn’t need mammary glands to kick butt. Neither do the Dracthyr.


those furries and their rule34.

Your REQUESTS are of no use to all when Blizzard killed the female and male gender by just numbers.

And by the way, you want Drachthyrs to have an appearance, you are just Netharion’s abominations and nothing you do will be worth earning when you are just a number more.

For I would have preferred the ogres to be a playable race.

I’m happy the female dracthyr don’t have boobs

I wish I could have that same option on female Worgen- the weird perky boobs always makes me cringe.
My point being, you can have a monster/ creature female character model without having to have boobs & it can still look good.

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Hey, don’t you discriminate against argonians because they’re weird lizard tree people.

It’s rude.

As for the point of the thread… how many times do I need to say that when it comes to anthropomorphic characters it’s 100% artistic choice as to which characteristics are more human or more whatever animal they are based off of?

Boobs, no boobs… it really doesn’t matter.


Bwahahahaha, I love that! Gave me a laugh I need :smile:

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Blue footed boobies are one of my favorite birds. Their mating dance is precious.


“I THOUGHT I recognized those birdies!”


hugs back
My wife drew an awesome picture of one. When she paints it, I am going to frame it and hang it in my office.


“Do share, when you get it. I would LOVE to see it.”

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No, I would rather you just accept that you are reptiles and they do not have breasts.

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technically…their humanoid forms don’t count.