Give Dracthyr Boobs Megathread

I always chuckle at God’s handiwork.


Throws some wood on the fire…


Not my cup of tea. Not a furry or scaly guy.


Same, well I do have a Worgen hunter, but I DO NOT think dragons should have boobs, that said I love the artwork and figured what the hell… Im gonna post this and see what happens.

Good to see you Chaos, been a minute my friend!

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Not with that kind of energy


Well met Paladina.

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“Hey Beavis, he said ‘wood’, uhuhuhuhuh…”
“Yea, yea, heheheh, ‘wood’! Heheheh.”

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Ok wish granted dracthyr get boobs, but then so do all the female dragons, when in dragon form.

Great big tiddies on onyxia as she deep breaths. The dragonflight title screen with alexstrasza swooping in front of the camera will become a wobbly pendulous delight.

Or not, because that would be utterly ridiculous, much like the OP. This whole idea is creepy and weird, and OP is creepy and weird for suggesting it.

The designers have done their work, the look is finished, if you don’t like, tough.

That’s so gross. I’ll never understand how people can be attracted to what looks like a wild animal. Ain’t going near any of these people with my pets, lmao.

I’m all for having more character customisation options but I can’t really see where boobs would go on Dracthyr. What would work for me is allowing you to cast while in either visage.

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God that’s gross and creepy. LOL


What, you don’t like breasts on the lizards?

no i’m not a furry.

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Argonian is basically a lizard dragon

Blizzard silence on this issue is violence towards women who want to be represented in the game as dracthyr.

As a biology major and reptile keeper I am absolutely loving this thread so so much!!

I remember I voiced scientific fact and I got dumped on for saying it!!!

These threads are so stupid and just so strange to me. As a straight guy, I DO NOT want boobs on a reptilian character. Not everything needs to be sexualized. It looks so off putting on reptilian characters, and so uncanny to me. And it just doesn’t make any sense.

Like I get it, it’s fantasy, anything can go. However there is science included in fantasy.

Give me udders or give me death!

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Here you go.

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Blizz, let us Dracthyr have boobs already.


Which dragons have boobs though? It’s just weird