Give dracs tail swipe back

Class, not classes. And it’s 1 spell. So OP oh no.

Rapid fire, ray of frost, every warrior ability, every survival hunt ability, every rogue ability.

Yes, that does seem unintended, considering that evoker’s disintegrate, which is also a channelled spell, cancels glide.
Spells of the same type (instant, cast, channel) should follow the same rules.

(This is assuming that there is a talent that allows penance to be cast while moving, as obviously one must use hover in order to use disintegrate while gliding. I do not play enough disc priest to know.)

Warrior and rogue are melee and have little to no range, if you spam glide during combat you’re missing more than you’re hitting. Hunters can jump and move while fighting anyway, adding a hop to it isn’t that big of a deal when they can just be slowed and it negates it. EVERY class has some form of CC to stop it. This is only an “issue” in PvE and it’s not a big deal. Ray of frost with a COOLDOWN can do it, congrats you used a cooldown. If you’re relying on Gliding to have mobility on a hunter you should probably stop playing hunter.

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I don’t understand the argument that “slows make you slower” means a constant 40% movement speed increase isn’t OP… The community is aware that a slow will make your char slower.

I think that must have arisen due to someone randomly proposing that glide negates slows (which it does not).

I see you’re failing to grasp what I’m saying.
30%-60% slows make you move the same distance as jumping forward, negating the burst of momentum that Glide gives.
70% and up causes you to move literally nowhere.
For PvP purposes, almost every class has a 50% or higher slow they can spam which removes the movement bonus glide gives.
PvE: Lots of mobs have slows, quite a few spam them and hit random targets or AoE, negating the ‘speed boost’.
For stopping knock backs yes that is a thing, a warrior can charge you, rogue can shadow step, warlock is ranged anyway, survival can harpoon plus coordinated assault, then you have flanking strike as well. Mage blink stops knock back too, priest is one of the few who gains a small benefit, that’s all. Even then, it’s ranged…being sent away from a target is a blessing more than anything.

This means glide can be negated by A LOT of situations.

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I think when you said “Random” that was a good way of putting it.

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I get what you’re saying, you have to literally be slowed constantly to be at the same level as other players…

Which is not hard to have happen in PvP, hell good luck using glide to run from a monk, DH, druid, rogue, warrior, and DK.

I mean the people supporting glide are really grasping at straws… By that same logic you could create a race that moves 100% faster and say the same thing “Well slows make you slower”, “slows happen a lot in pvp”

I’m done, you keep insisting I mean they reduce your move speed and not exactly what I’m saying. Enjoy being delusional. :+1:

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Yep, I am delusional and you’re right, as long as your drac is constantly slowed in PvP then glide won’t be OP.

I’m saying let people have fun. This character (on a server I left when OCE relocated to Sydney) was a goblin, but my Priest on my new server is a panda, and I’m not changing to dragon priest. I don’t mind having Rocket Jump or Bouncy instead of Glide. The people who want to change over a racial can do so, I won’t.

Unless you’re on Evoker, you’re not circle strafing around the room casting channeled spells like you’re playing DooM. Because that’s what Hover does, not Glide. It does what a lot of things in the game already do, sure you can instant cast but you can always do that. It might be a better movement racial than Zandalari, I don’t have one so I don’t know. I mainly came to this thread to talk about Tail Swipe because that’s what the thread was about before more people showed up and derailed it.

“Am I losing touch? No, it’s all the people who are arguing with me who are wrong.”

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Or ice flows to cast sheep, ray of frost, glacial you name it for a mage, or penance for priest, or rapid fire for hunter. Point is that when he said “Cant attack” he was just straight up wrong. Don’t believe me… Log on the PTR yourself and try all the possible things you can do with glide.

I want to move at 100% increased speed unmounted in combat. It’s what I find fun… Just let me have fun.

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Lot of strawmans & hyperbole today.


You’re the one who said

Then when asked to cite your sources you linked a posts where people were saying 30% speed increases…

It’s clear your arguments are not based on logic, you just want to have it because “it’s fun” with no thought into the actual health of the overall game.

Not at all. I’ve given many responses explaining why glide isn’t overpowered, only to get bad faith arguments in response. Not to mention this thread is about tail swipe, and folks like you keep coming in and derailing those threads.


The fact that there are people who think the Drac’s race should have tail swipe, a knockback, and glide is a bad sign.

Just make it a racial choice like the Zandi trolls have. You choose to use Tail Swipe or Wing Buffet. Its really rich seeing a Night Elf complaining about racials BTW.