Give dracs tail swipe back

Insert appropriate King of the Hill meme here. Go race a night elf or dark iron dwarf with no other movement abilities. Report back when it’s equivalent to their 2%. If only they’d give Tauren increased melee range so all melee could overcome part of their kits problems.

On a flat plane you’re not going to get 40% increased speed, again,

Also 15x2 is 30%.

And the idea that dracs are particularly power creepy is still nonsense. The ccs aren’t hard cc, glide is not the super movement ability people make it out to be. It’s a bunch of okay racials that ends up being sort of situationally good, but nothing as universally amazing as stoneform, meld or nose for trouble for specific roles.

SV Hunters already rule at melee cc, most of the new class options are ranged and squishy and should know how to keep distances already.


Yep, because everyone wants to underplay it when there’s a video of a straight run vs glide crossing the same distance and there’s a 10 vs. 15 second time in favor of glide. Giving the benefit of the doubt to the naysayers.

2% also isn’t equal to 30%… or 40%… or 50%. Or anything between those to be clear. So how is the possibly 15x baseline acceptable?


I think it’s hilarious that this is all done in a vacuum. The speed boost is negated by a lot of factors, one being if a slow hits you that is 30% or more, you lose so much more speed and distance than it’s worth. So many things have slows, this is easily the most negated “benefit” glide gives in PvP, and many PvE situations also have slows. Especially with all the spider themes and webs.

Let us not forget it has to be a downward slope or flat plane to function, on an incline it’s absolutely useless, so again, a niche situation that isn’t always applicable. How about we remove any main stat/trinket racials too while we’re at it? Humans can lose “Every Man For Himself” and undead lose “Will of the Forsaken”. Those give clear advantages in PvP and PvE since they let people avoid things for free essentially.

Night Elf Shadow Meld, in PvP you can have ambushing stealth classes of all but paladin and shaman. Seems a bit excessive to me, or you can just plain skip patrol mobs. (Like back in BFA when that was abused.) But yet it’s still untouched. :wink:

It’s clear anyone who thinks Glide is broken (especially when playing a mage or hunter) just isn’t aware of the downsides and refuses to understand that the classes that will be getting Glide will get little to no move speed benefit. An example being, your bonus move speed is not applied to glide, only base move speed. So rogues having flat high move speed will get little to no benefit along with their tools to avoid harm and move fast already. Warriors get enough mobility it’s negligible, mages get two charges of blink that can be used while casting. Warlocks get to use 2 teleports and a sprint that prevents slows. Priests can spam a couple different sprint skills on low cooldowns.

Hunters have tons of mobility already, glide will give 0 benefit. Using ANY attacks or skills stops glide so long as it requires you to interact with something. Be it mobility tools or attacks/spells.


All of this is happening because dracthyr and evoker were designed for each other.
To play devil’s advocate, there is nothing stopping them from removing these racials, especially glide, when non-evokers can’t even use hover (but logically should be able to “because they have wings”).
I don’t have a strong opinion, but seeing everyone up in arms… they should have given everything a little more thought before announcing the classes, especially about letting people play in visage all the time.


You have little directional control and can’t attack, so your uptime is going down, and you have to do your little hop before you move forward so if your reaction time is truly that slow… There’s a reason Evoker players use Hover for that sort of thing instead.

This is a whataboutism. People who like Earthen will still make some. All of this resistance to people checking race because of it’s racials instead of some aesthetic thing is a holdover from the days when we were trying to keep the game from being loaded with microtransactions and calling it “p2w” if a new race had situationally better inherent CDs. But the game IS already in microtransaction hell and I think most of us have more expendable income than we did in 2009.

It’s okay if some racials are cool. It’s okay if “serious players” of a spec want to all play the same race, and people who play others are just valuing immersion fantasy over a more valuable toolkit. That’s better than homogenized, equally useless garbage.


If it’s about the fantasy, which everyone claims that it’s the fantasy and not the power, then they wouldn’t care if it was in non-instanced content. Weird how there’s so much resistance to that suggestion.

This, truly. If they designed Dracthyr like every other race with all classes in mind it’d have mid racial abilities and everyone wouldn’t look like Anthony Adam’s hiding behind a tree.

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Yeah it’s almost like we don’t want to lose the coolest part of our race any time we actually want to do something in the game other than quests. Instanced content is a majority of the game once you hit level cap. Delves, dungeons, raids, battlegrounds/arenas, they’re all Instanced content.

You’re basically saying we should be happy with our wings being purely cosmetic in all forms of content. That’s not a reasonable suggestion.



On all casters I can still cast all my instants
On Warrior I can use LITERALLY all my abilities while midair moving around fast (glide doesn’t take a GCD)
On mage, with ice floes, I can cast all my spells, Polymorphing people, or channeling ray of frost… on top of my instants
On hunter I can cast rapid fire and double jump continuously backwards with extra speed… on top of all my instants
On Priest I can speed boost double jump run away while casting penance, also all my instants
On Evoker I can already cast all my instants, with hover, I have disentegrate, cast, etc while double jumping with extra speed

From 5 minutes of testing.

So can you elaborate on what you mean by “can’t attack”?

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The act of GLIDING is interrupted by abilities and spells, the momentum from hitting the ability isn’t, but then you lose directional control. If you retain the slow fall and directional control while gliding I highly doubt that’s intended, as it doesn’t apply right now on Evoker on live. So either you’re encountering a bug, or you are lying completely to solidify your argument of why Glide is “broken”.


Actively admitting that it’s not appealing unless it’s broken. At least we’re all on the same page now that the only appeal of Dracthyr is if they’re a cut above every other race with their power.

I don’t believe that it’s broken in any way. That’s your mistake. You seem to think you’re correct, but I disagree with the very foundation of your argument.

That’s a nice strawman you’ve got there


Dude the PTR is there, just try it yourself…

Outted yourself as someone who does not play the game. Everymanfor himself hasnt existed for years and they both got heavily nerfed to the point they are USELESS to healers in pvp combat? See, balance

Why are you still comparing jump glide to other movement skills? Compare it to NORMAL RUN SPEED.

NO NOBODY WANTS DHS TO LOSE DOUBLE JUMP, they are balanced around ultra high uptime and mobility. An entire class. Warriors are balanced around two charges intervene and leap. Now add on top of that a 30% speed boost when other warriors dont have that.

This new “snare stops glide” shtick is just hilarious. Like, no way, snares slow down someone? There’s not really any reasoning with any of you due to it continually shifting between CD abilities and passives.

None of you address other race baselines, you just keep pointing to shadowmeld and stone form as if they’re the comparison to Glide, when the clear parallel is wing buffet/tail swipe. Before they just removed one all together even on a 3 minute cooldown having 2! additional stops for any class is ridiculous. Now they’re down to a reasonable one, and I think it should be put on a 1.5 minute cooldown.

Glide is just not comparable to ANY other passive. Period. It’s slow fall, so sort of like Zandalari. It’s momentum stop, so sort of like a lunge from various classes. It’s 30% movement speed, or call it what you will - it’s nothing like any other racial that’s not on a cooldown, no where close.

It’s not worth making any of you try to see that it’s literally redefining what these classes are capable of and creates problems with the balance in the design choices in the game, because you don’t care since you are the ones who want to hedge the weaknesses of the classes.

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I have mixed/uncertain opinions on this topic as a whole, but I just tried this on a mage with an instant spell.
Momentum remains, but the wings furl, and glide is cancelled/interrupted, so they are right.

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If glide had anywhere near the effect on pvp that emfh had there would be well over 40% dracthyr on the 2v2 and 3v3 leaderboards at all levels.

It amplified things so much that humans were close to a full order of magnitude overrepresented on pvp leaderboards.

When you cast penance then glide, it does go through, but it bugs out the animations and is clearly unintended. The class/race combos for dracthyr are very unfinished, some of the animations and sounds are still buggy. So the 1 niche “I can cast penance while gliding” thing is correct, that’s the only “benefit” that I am sure will get hotfixed to make glide use a GCD. That would fix basically all of the worries about it in all honesty.

As for the melee thing, you carry momentum and “ranged” melee attacks were changed/removed, making hitting a target while you try to hippety hop around like a fool while gliding more of a detriment.

Considering Dracthyr Evokers using hover who hit glide interrupt their channel I am sure the penance one is a bug just based on that.

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Oh so the OP parts of other classes having glide on the PTR are just unintended bugs?