Give dracs tail swipe back

I mean… to their credit, they also agree that their own racials should be nerfed. Make of that what you will.

This character used to be a Night Elf till Cata rolled around then I swapped to Worgen and never looked back.

Honestly, something being overpowered or not doesn’t matter. Only the perception of it. And i’ve seen a lot of high end players talk about how their entire raid group is going to race change to Dracthyr for Glide alone.
Last time that happend (dwarves in early SL) Blizzard made sure Stoneform didn’t dispell bleeds in the new raid. And i can see something similar happening again. On any boss fight with heavy movement and knockbacks/up, they might disable Glide.

The hilarious part about this is solely due to the crowd screaming but mechanics will be avoid in both pve or pvp.

They changed it because people complain it’s too much. Yet shadow meld still exist, so does gnome be escape artist. They are still racials around that are just as powerful, but don’t get touch whatsoever.

In regards to tail swipe and wing buffet, 2 interrupts on a 3 minute cooldown would’ve been completely broken. Period. No questions asked. Maybe you’d have Vengeance still, but then you’d prob have Pres/SPriest/Mage/Aug possibly in M+ offering 8 more total aoe stops? 1 on a 1.5 minute cooldown is in line with all other racial CDs.

In regard to glide. It’s not comparable to Shadowmeld, Stoneform, dark flight, zandalari pterodax or whatever, or any other CD ability, so point to a passive that’s completely broken if that’s what this comment is about.

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Yeah this was a good change, if they shared a cooldown that would have been fine too, I guess. But Dracthyr was too stacked for racials. Two free interrupts, plus the visage recovery, plus the glide? I think you are lucky only tail swipe is getting the axe.

All of you actively ignore the actual problem, it’s not that the racial is strong, it’s that they have a lot of them, and didn’t share cooldowns. Shadowmeld is strong, it also doesn’t come in a package with free slowfall, free recovery speed, and an extra stealth button that can be pressed for double stealth cooldowns.

As I said the better thing would be keep it on a 3 min cooldown and let the Dracthyr choose which one they want active at any time. Tanks arent going to want a knockback, while mages arent going to want a knock up but they would love the knockback. Its why no one considers Zandi trolls OP as they have more than twice the racials most races have but can only choose one at a time. Choices are always better no matter what the choice is.

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Yeah the removal of tail swipe was absolutely silly.

Like… why?

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