Give dracs tail swipe back

Have you tried it with the cheat? When you spam and jump right as you land into a consistent boost?

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It’s still very finicky and honestly not as consistent due to anything that might cause server desync or lag.

I don’t think this really happens often enough for that to matter, tbf. Not in my experience, at least, but I don’t play on rp realms.

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Not all have good or even decent internet or systems, which would then add a requirement to have money and good conditions on top of a thing obviously being a sort of bug.

That would not be on Glide itself so much as the game’s infrastructure.

Or disable it in combat.

Then disable Demon Hunter double jump and glide in combat. It’s the same concept. Any slow will negate it, that’s why it’s a non-issue.


I mean, DH had glide before dracthyr. Assuming evoker also keeps it, that’s fair to those two classes.
I don’t see why you’d remove it from the class that had it first just because they decided to (not, in this case) add it to others?

I’m not advocating for its removal, but that doesn’t really make sense.


This really doesn’t mean anything. Demon Hunters are floating on borrowed power, Dracthyr wings are inherent, innate parts of what they are. Removing it from other classes than evoker will just gut the race’s fantasy.

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That’s what I’m saying, I don’t feel glide needs touched. It’s use is so niche that it’s a non-issue is my big point. Any slow effect renders it null and void. Many mobs/mechanics cause slows, look at all the Nerubian web shooters.

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Yeah, but that’s still part of their fantasy too? Like, I get what you’re saying, why are you defending that if you care about fantasy?

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I’m trying to be realistic with how much speed boost you’d get if you’re just a regular player spamming glide, not some CS:GO grandmaster that regularly bunnyhops in Source games to get insane speeds.

That said: yes, it would TECHNICALLY be possible to get ~70% movespeed boost (assuming that your speedometer is correct that Glide sets your speed to that when initiating it) if you were frame perfectly jumping the frame you touch the ground, then activating Glide again the frame you’re considered as in the air again.

In practice, you’re not going to get anywhere close to that level of speed cause Glide usage is limited by latency. 30-35% is more realistic, which, again, isn’t gamebreaking considering many classes can get constant speed boosts anywhere from 30% to 45% from their talent trees or abilities.


Yep, i did a few delves and the web shooters are annoying as hell. You can’t spam glide to catch up to the boss to interrupt it or cc it.
Most evokers i know use hover to avoid mechanics.


Yea, which is a class ability that isn’t being brought to Dracthyr as a whole. So it’s fine if they don’t touch glide.


Yeah, gotcha. That’s fair, I was just curious. I’ve seen a lot of people saying it moves at different speeds, so I don’t know for sure which is right, whether it’s normal or spam.

Wait, what is? Kind of confused by your wording.
Do you mean double jump? I was talking about glide.

Hover, Kastent was saying how using glide in Delves vs slows was a pain. Most evokers use hover to avoid things, which is the intent.

Oh, sorry. It didn’t show me who you were replying to.

Odd, but yea. Never understood the discontent with Dracthyr racials when I’ve tested and looked over a lot, then Blizzard’s recent interrupt changes made their racials even less of an issue in late content. :\

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Definitely not. Please be serious.

I’m a titled m+ player last season with repeated heroic clears in every raid. I wouldn’t call that casual.

I’m not a fan of PvE being designed around PvP. I don’t care about PvP. I tried it, it was CC-stun simulator. Not fun. PvE and PvP are different sandboxes and shouldn’t be balanced around eachother.
And even if you look at M+, our racials aren’t “OP” like everyone is making them out to be. Other races have just as potent, if not better racials. Looking at you, shadowmeld. Blizzard already balanced drac racials before, they increased their cooldowns and made it so they aren’t full interrupts.

Removing tail swipe is just removing yet another chunk of the racial fantasy of playing as a dragon (which is already heavily removed without evoker abilities). Without tail swipe, wing buffet & glide, dracthyr won’t really feel like dragons.

Evoker main here. Glide does NOT negate a lot of mechanics. The only mechanic I’ve been able to cheese with it was certain pushbacks, e.g. from those phoenix adds in Neltharus. Pushback from Razageth + glide? You get knocked off the map. Glide is not that powerful and I haven’t seen it “abused” in higher keys. Like others have mentioned, the speed boost it gives you isn’t that big compared to other race’s racials. And that speed boost is assuming you’re spam gliding uninterrupted. You have to stop to use an ability at some point, you have to stop to dodge a mechanic at some point.

I find it funny how the people complaining about how “OP” glide is haven’t actually played as an evoker.