Give dracs tail swipe back

Uhhh…huh. Yeah, not buying it.

You do know that even the slightest slowing effect will make Glide utterly useless, right? It’s literally not a serious issue in PvP combat.

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Movement 2.0? LOL.

Glide doesn’t give what you think it does.


Maybe if they were incapable of reading the character select options, I guess.

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It’s clear y’all are just not using glide properly. It literally makes it damn near impossible to get hit with raid/mythic+ mechanics. You have a no cooldown movement speed boost. How is that healthy for the game that the same content is just easier on a diff race?

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Same could be said for many racials, as well as class skills. If you’re having issues and Glide is your fix maybe it’s not the race that’s the problem.

It’s already a mechanic that’s available to two classes which, between them, can do tank/heal/DPS/Augmentation…so if Glide is as broken as you think it is, why would any team ever take any other composition?

Again… Those two classes are balanced around the fact they have extra mobility

In what way, exactly? What is this nebulous idea you have that being “balanced around it” makes it less broken? The mechanic is 100% identical. So you’re telling me that Demon Hunters and Evokers are simply the absolute best two classes in the game at avoiding mechanics?

Idk man, I don’t even think you play an Evoker.

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And then you have monk who can zip out of problems, rogue has a 1 min cd sprint and a 2 charge teleport, as well as ways to just avoid problems. Warriors get leap and charge. Warlock gets to teleport or straight up tank damage. Mages get blink and ice block, priests get to sprint a lot with feathers and shield. Hunter is just able to fight on the move, these are all the classes that are getting dracthyr minus monk.

Yes abilities exist… Good observation.

I’m telling you that glide adds a LOT to helping them avoid mechanics

I don’t even think you play WoW

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Friend tested, if you do nothing but glide then you get roughly a 33% move speed boost. Worgen racial literally is faster. Quite a few movement options are better and don’t hinder combat.

Not as game breaking as people seem to believe it is.

Especially if you get hit with a slow at all it becomes useless.


A ‘no cooldown movement speed boost’ that you can’t use any cast-time ability while you’re trying to take advantage of the little bursts of speed Glide gives you.

I did some testing myself – if you’re ONLY spamming glide and doing nothing else, Glide comes out to around a 30-35% movespeed boost, which isn’t itself game-breaking – A druid in cat form with feline swiftness has 145% movespeed baseline, after all…

Additionally, Glide is completely stuffed by any snare that is 50% or more, roughly thirding the distance that Glide flies. EDIT: and any snare of 70% or more causes glide to basically only give a slowfall effect.


No, no, you said, and I quote:

Do you actually play as an Evoker? Have you actually considered the positives and negatives of Glide in full, or are you just here to complain and try to absolutely ruin Dracthyr as a race option?

Because you’re acting like Glide is a speed boost. What Glide is, is an extended jump with increased speed vs. just running at default speed. When you Glide, you are propelled forward at a fairly high speed. In a situation where there are multiple mechanics on the floor, you can just as easily propel yourself into another one, unless you manually guide yourself back down into a perfectly safe spot.

The amount of time it takes to jump, glide, and manually guide yourself to the ground, is probably going to be significantly higher than the time it would take to click Blink, or Heroic Leap, or Sprint, or Aspect of the Cheetah, or Power Word: Shield/Angelic Feather, or Burning Rush, and just…walk to the safe spot instead.

If you cast at any time during the glide with an instant spell, the glide is cancelled and you can no longer control your movement in the air, so you lose that ability to land where you want to.

It takes approximately two full seconds from when your feet leave the ground to when you land again after using Glide. I feel like, in any scenario other than running in a straight line to escape a “run away” mechanic, Glide is the inferior option to just…moving slightly to the side.

Maybe I’m crazy, but if you’re Gliding to get out of every mechanic you might be overreacting.


Genuine question, how did you get this number? My speedometer lists glide’s boost as 78% (178%)
Not arguing, I’m just curious.

Because you have to take into account the amount of time you’re not in a gliding state and simply running on the ground. I used an area of the Contender’s Gate to do some testing and ran from one end of it to the other in ~18 seconds, with no other modifiers to my movespeed (so no Speed, enchants, etc.). Throwing in glide spam got me from one end to the other in ~12 seconds.

Also, just as a general idea, I would love to see somebody measure out the height of the Dracthyr “double jump,” because…lol, have you guys even seen how much of a “double jump” it actually is?

It’s so tiny as to barely exist at all. “Z axis manipulation” indeed.


Yeah, “bump” is a more accurate term for this. You can reach some platforms you can’t with normal jumps, but it’s not a DH’s double jump.

DH can go much higher and farther with their jump/glide. Also we just tested, anything above 50% slow (which is what most mobs do) reduces glide SO heavily, and anything 70% and up just negates it entirely.

I still have legitimately n idea where people got the idea that dracs bunny hopping was this huge speed boost to begin with