Give dracs tail swipe back

It’s a talent that removes movement impairing effects. Posthaste.

Also if you get slowed and try gliding, it’s almost worse than just running…done it plenty of times in PvP and it’s painful to watch.


Posthaste does not remove “Almost all CC”, it removes roots which is one top of maybe 5-6 types of CC (some of those types being hard CC’s where you can’t control your character.

Yeah it doesn’t break hard ccs, fair, all roots though. FWIW I’m just being mean since so much of the “omg glide is so op” should be a big nothing for a good hunter main.

You still have to stop casting to do so, though?


Roots and snares, so slows as well. That’s not stuns, disorients, or any hard CCs no. Still, it can get you out of a nasty spot and give you a 50% speed boost to boot.

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Judging from what you guys are saying it seems you play the game at a pretty casual level… Which is fine. Everyone enjoys the game differently. No one way is best. In high rated PvP/raids/mythic+ people REALLY abuse the hell out of glide. It negates a lot of mechanics. So I suggest they just disable it for instanced content.


Cool, let them have it. Don’t balance the game around ultra-sweats, let the rest of us have fun.


I do rated PvP. Anyone with a modicum of skill will just CC and slow you so glide is negated almost entirely.


This seems to be the sentiment amoung people who don’t want glide nerfed. “Who cares about how you enjoy the game”. IMO watching Maximus’s (Worst First Raid leader) guild all go dracthyr like he said they would, is not healthy for the game.

Trailblazer is an incomparably larger speed buff compared to glide btw.

Then that’s on them, the game should not be balanced around the top .1% of players, that’s how games die. The core of a game’s population is the casual or mid tier players, the larger number. This is not coming from someone who wants things balanced to be easy, but it’s just a fact.


Which is only lost on attacking, and you can’t attack while gliding.


Plus a lot of people screeching are fooling themselves into thinking they’re far far higher ranked than they really are.

Raiding, mythic+, and rated PvP represent the majority of the playerbase. I don’t think blizzard wants to create an unhealthy game for the majority.

This means literally nothing to me. Didn’t people do the same thing with Trolls during the race to world first vs. Jaina? Were trolls broken?


It doesn’t mean that the top .1% are the majority. Just because the 4 major pillars are Open World, PvP, M+, and Raiding doesn’t mean it should be mixed around for high tier. Also, the main focus was tail swipe, which is a knock up, and that CC got changed in TWW how it affects mobs casting spells.

Glide, if it’s so broken, should be removed entirely. From DH too. As it’s just way too strong right? One of the most popular classes is too powerful. (Same logic, despite it being a class with 2 dashes, 1-2 backflips, and passive move speed on their mastery.)

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Well to educate you, it’s not a good thing for the health of the game.

Again, every dh, and every evoker has it, so they balance the entire class around the extra mobility.

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Neither is changing it for the top tier. Of course they’ll find every nuanced small thing to get that 1% increase.

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How not? And is it any worse than when everybody race changed to Troll back in BFA? Or how everybody’s playing NElf now for Shadowmeld, and Dwarf for Stoneform?

Why aren’t you angry about those?

Why do you specifically hate Dracthyr so much that you want to remove literally all of their racials?

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Because its taking a bad situation such as Shadowmeld and stoneform and making it way worse by giving a race movement 2.0.

Imagine a new player logging in, creating a humanmage, and seeing other mages flying around, moving 40% faster, adjusting their trajectory mid air (movement 2.0). They would literally think they are bugged.

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