Apparently he is so lazy that he doesn’t even do that, he use the i.a search.
He prob googled "do dk need better physical mitigation in pvp?" and based his argument around the i.a answer.
Apparently he is so lazy that he doesn’t even do that, he use the i.a search.
He prob googled "do dk need better physical mitigation in pvp?" and based his argument around the i.a answer.
Its not if its correct.
Not really. Not when its basic stuff. Most of the stuff you guys are talking about can be verified from someone that just hits a target dummy. Its not like you guys are talking about boss strategies or anything.
You arent talking about how to kill mythic bosses or what to do to gain pvp rating. Like this is talking about physical mitigation yet no one is talking about mitigation AT ALL. Its about death strike… and then me not playing the game at this point because I brought up mitigation and im not towing the line of “unnerf death strike”.
So is this about mitigating damage or reacting to damage? If its mitigating damage then leave death strike out of it, if its about death strike then change the title to reflect that.
Its also so hilarious that people completely ignored what I said to just say “shut up”. You have anything to say about me suggesting Rune Tap (mitigation) to be put in the class tree or is it the same bad talking point of “you have to play the game”?
Looks like blizzard feels the same way about our physical mitigation. Just buffed bloodforged armor. I don’t like using it but it’s something.
lol @ their attempts to get us using soul reaper too. That ability has so many issues to be considered viable. Clunky, hopeless, dumpster fire ability that needs a complete redesign not a silly %modifier.
they added an ignore feature to the forums.
kelliste was the first person to go on it.
it’s been glorious.
(*you click the person’s profile, and in the corner it will say “normal” which is a drop down you can change to “muted” or “ignored”.)
finally we are free
It’s a guilty pleasure of mine. I’ve stopped reading the replies because I don’t have the same amount of time as they do to respond properly. I know they do because I get the notification and it’s inevitable.
All that said never underestimate the sheer visibility it can give discussions, even if its half rational and half… well, not
There we go.
gasp I’m free brothers. The night terrors have stopped.
your gonna be waiting for a whole lot of nothing lmao
dont forget tier bonuses are auto -50% nerfed, and not only that, but even if it wasnt most of the time dk tier bonuses arent even all that in the first place
Thats been there for YEARS, at least close to a decade if not longer. You are acting like it was added last week. Ive had people on perma ignore since like BFA.
Dont think all visibility is good visibility. People got attention by Blizzard on a thread and it was locked and some even got a week ban.
I know you guys are obsessed with bashing me and do it at every possible moment, but thats the reason why you guys see bans. Do you really want Blizzard to see you guys blatantly breaking the ToS/CoC over and over again? Why cant you guys actually stay on topic? I was talking about mitigation / physical mitigation and asking why people have this unhealthy fixation on Death Strike to solve all their problems. Im still waiting on an answer for that by the way.
doesnt frostscythe have a huge negative modifier for pvp too?
According to Drustvar it actually has a 150% increase modifier, and its still terrible. Lol.
I would say give us PASSIVE Mitigation, Deathknight doesnt feel like a ‘Hero’ class and or ‘Prestige Class’ anymore, It just feels like a leftover that Blizzard reluctantly keeps because Arthas was so memorable.
Deathknight dealing with two seperate resources and needing to juggle both while managing coolsdowns, mitigations, and rotations means we ‘should’ have a learning curve, but the skill ceiling isn’t ‘there’.
DKs suffer from the lack of an Execute ability in Melee combat, while Warriors can self sustain as Fury thanks to Bloodthirst and their associated talents, Should we not get some of those benefits? Example either making Shadow Damage for Unholy heal %based off of our own Healthpool, Or making us more durable to let us burn Runic Power ON Deathstright to make it a valid option without putting us in a Lose/Lose situation.
Passive mitigation would be armor or a damage reduction aura.
But what exactly do you think a “hero class” is? From how it was put out it was just the first hero unit brought to WoW and started at a higher level. It was overpowered in Wrath where Blizzard wanted to nerf it but the playerbase said “no its fine” so they never did.
No. I dont think classes should get what other classes have. Why have multiple classes at that point? Just cut the classes in half and have different skins. If you want what fury has just go play fury, or ret, or arms, or affliction, or demonology, ect.
You’re going to need to define either what “overpowered” means, or which specific period you are referring to.
I remember during og ICC DK’s were “okay” on damage, not top or bottom (and this was with Shadowmourne). Heck I even landed a world 7th unholy parse for Heroic Festergut at the time, and yet wasn’t even top damage in my guild on the fight.
I also remember DKs were underrepresented on top arena teams, with the entire meta being wizard cleave and DKs not providing any MS effect like warriors. Even during the the first Arena season where DKs were at their most powerful there was the infamous moment of the first DK to ever get into a tourney getting spiked down in the opening of the match and losing it for his team.
So while I agree that Hero Class != More Powerful Class, I disagree that DKs were overpowered for all of Wrath, it launched a bit bonkers sure, but it wasn’t even the only class that was completely broken that first season (I’m looking at you Prot Paladins!)
No clue what ur doinf wrong. I can still live forever in 11s and 12s with little peoblem if i play right
We had that, blizzard nerfed it (clowns ) sometimes feel the devs should be forced to play dk into mega physical damage dealers until they do something about it.
Do people really expect things like this incentivizes Blizzard to do anything or does it just give them more reason to ignore people? Just like Loc calling Blizzard cowards all the time harping on about Necrotic Plague. What does this actually accomplish? If anything this kind of behavior would incentivize them to make DK worse.
Leave the Mechagnome out of this.
No, its showing the behavior of people on these forums. Calling Blizzard cowards isnt going to get you anywhere other than Blizzard not wanting to do anything for DK’s. So maybe people are right that Blizzard hates DK and rightfully so. The players are garbage towards Blizzard and others. Why reward that behavior?