As a class that wears plate, a clothie has more armor value than me in PvP is insane. Ideally in PvP you dont want the caster to free cast but the fact that you can just train a DK to the ground as a melee cleave and simply ignore the opposing mage/lock/ druid etc is just wild. You got rid of our one solid heal in Necro Wounds and didnt even buff the “ms” or provide a better defensive talent. And we dont do enough damage to even compensate for the lack of survivablity. Unnerf death strike or dont make it affected my damp. And unnerf Magus damage in PvP. You have a spec where literally the right side (pet build side) is literally useless because all pets are harshly nerfed and they dont have unlimited uptime like hunter and demo pets
You’re in line, and you’ve got a point. I’ll speak specifically to the “plate” part of your post. It felt like the armor types were meaningful back in BC and have gotten less so as time went on. It’s just cosmetic now, plate is cloth and cloth is plate
You hit nearly all the points plaguing our class and spec. I cannot fathom how they’ve left the class to rot. Don’t even get me started on San’layn.
Why do people think Death Strike is or has to be the only survivability the DK has? Its a reactive ability, if someone bursts you enough then its not going to matter. If you want mitigation then people should be pointing at IBF, AMS, AMZ, Armor, Rune Tap being a class talent instead of a blood talent.
Absolutely agreed. Survivability is at a all-time low, none of recent patch changes should have affected PVP. The data was specifically for PvE content.
I feel kind of bad killing Dks…
… Unless they grip me from my perch.
Toughness was awesome
Something could be done with rw
Unbreakable armor mixes pof and ibf on a 1 min cd
Got lots of ghouls out increase migration by x per ghoul and or other undead
The current state of unholy in PVP is just plain and simply SAD I spent all last season hoping for us to get a buff to make us comperable and just not terrible instead all we did is get worse .
I had Hope that the 4 set bonus would make a differnce , and once again I’m dissapointed
we are litterally easier to kill than any caster we have no real burst damage . we have no mobility atleast Unholy truly seems sad I hoped people were just exagerating when they continually rated unholy as the Worst melee in the game … BUt they were not
and its not just slightly worse either …
if any dev reads this Please fix this specially before AWC
I’ve been playing this game on and off since Vanilla and I have mained DK since Wrath I’ve never felt it be this terrible … in PVP
So much so that I am losing all will to play . the Devs wonder why people keep un subbing I bet situations like this are a major part of it .
I want to know Where they got their information that death knights were too hard to kill and needed necrotic wounds heal to be nerfed ? genuinely …
and What Upsets me is that I ENJOY the Game play … I just hate how useless I feel .
It is way better than it was last season (this is coming from the only person to get r1 in the world as it)
But that being said its still very squishy into certain stuff i do think once the other specs get toned down it will feel a lot better
There’s a strong rumor on Acherus-disc that one of the pvp devs is anti-DK AF. Which makes sense. Most of the pvp playerbase is anti-DK.
Don’t like being gripped? Don’t play an annoying AF ranged class.
I only play WoW for my DK. If I was forced to play any other class, I wouldn’t be here at all.
Also pvp is mostly being overran by premades its gross. Esp alliance.
Tbh I LOVE when premades get an ego and I’m able to bait people away for 1v1s.
I also have a thing where I jump in the middle of stacked alli players and wreck hell before they scatter like roaches. If any of you recognize me from epics, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
But I’m new to WoW, I’ve only been here since the last few weeks of DF S4.
I can’t speak for the many years of DK abuse.
Why? And where is the evidence? This same rumor has been passed around here as well with nothing to back it up.
Also you kind of make a point as to why DK is nerfed, especially when you are jumping in the middle of stacked players which can be assumed that its a whole team, and you alone make them scatter. Now take that and remove all the pvp specific nerfs. You wouldnt just make them scatter, you would probably take a few out while also living if they decided to try to attack you. Thats why the nerfs happened in the first place.
Its rough right now with the current meta. According to representation of the top 5000 players in shuffle top DPS specs are Ret, WW, MM, Fury, then Havoc in that order.
Improved Death Strike should be baked into Death Strike and Bloodforged Armor should replace Improved Death Strike on the tree. Leaving it as a PvP talent is like if Elusiveness were a rogue PvP talent.
Maybe it’s just me but I feel like I’m worse this season vs last . Only games I win are when I’m not the focus . Even with tank talents it just feels like we have no niche we do everything badly .
I’m waiting for my 4-tier to see how I feel about DK as a class. I don’t think they’re bad right now but I do think their problems stem from the meta classes being your typical DK hard counters.
I just want to congratulate everyone, we finally did it, for at least this moment we are the worst class! We can only go up from here!
This data is really revealing, especially if you look at 2200+ and 2400+ (there is no 2700+ yet). Death Knights as a class are either dead last, tied for last, or don’t have any representation at all. However there is one exception, in 3s at 2400+ there is 1 dk, 0 paladins and 0 warriors, which supports the argument of plate overall feeling too weak.
I also find it extremely telling that we have such poor performance in 2s. Most seasons I’ve played DKs have been amazing in 2s, due to our excellent self healing providing us with the opportunities to play extremely aggressively and wither our opponents down over long periods of time despite our mediocre spike damage.
I don’t think blizzard fully understood how much of a PvP nerf the change to death strike would be. Now that we can only benefit from a source of damage for a single death strike the reactive component can no longer profit HP, where previously someone could hit a dk for 99% of our hp and we could quickly fire off three death strikes to get back up to 98.5% hp, now if we did the same thing we would be at 50.7% hp.
Now I don’t think we need to return the reactive component to PvP, hell I think reactive healing is a problem for PvP as it can cover up mistakes we should really be punished for. I would be okay if the reactive side was turned off in PvP. What I do think is that the base or minimum heal from death strike is far far too low. We could double it and our overall %healing per second would still be lower than Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD ect.
Who do we hard counter?
Maybe im just bad and if I’m doing something badly I’m always willing to listen and learn but I don’t feel like we counter any class except maybe warlock .
And we get countered by so many classes .
Again death strike, which is nerfed and healing yourself with a MS and damp on you isnt effective late in game particularly. IBF is the only mitigation against physical. AMS get globaled with the amount of dam casters do these days. AMZ doesnt move with you.
So DK is doomed. Stop playing it. I mean if all that people are going to do is make excuses then nothing is going to get better.
Wow what the forums say are true. all 15,000 post of yours is belittling and trolling people on the DK forum.
There is no having a conversation with someone that only wants DS to be the way to “mitigate” damage. Just made excuses while also ignoring the point where I said make Rune Rap a class tree talent.
But keep focusing on something that you shouldnt be focusing on.