Give Boomkins an Execute

I’m tired of going 100M damage, with only 30 KBS. I want
100 KBs and 100m damage.
Boomkins carry all your battlegrounds, it’s the least you can do.

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Boomies are ez bake damage pad

They do not deserve the KBs

Starfall should have a reduced range and using it should force your Travel form to look like a toddler on a tricycle.


Dude thinks padding aoe damage on a bunch of players and pets is “carrying” the BG.


Sheeeeeeesh. We deserve everything we’ve gotten, though?
Boomies are the ones doing the heavy lifting in most teamfights, no?
Why not give us executes to make it even better.

If we’re getting everyone down to execute range ourselves, just for hunters to snipe the kills. It’s silly.

Make it so pressing starfall suspends the boomkin’s world of warcraft license for the duration of the effect


I hate boomie

If there’s anything that ruins my ego-driven damage pad. It’s Boomie

Look at this degenerate

All pad, no KB >:[

I am Mighty Dragon C:<

I have 25 KB, I deserve to be top dam, but I am not cuz Boomie :<

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wait until u cross paths against me…

put you back in the reptilian aisle of Petsmart…

You gonna have to stop hiding in Epics and come face the music at some point

And by face the music I mean dance party

i queue normals in the afternoon when 3s friends arent around and im not in the shuffle mood

…which isnt too often actually

also i am the music, alexa play Chthonic Odyessy by Shadow of Intent

Challenge accepted

Let the Dance Off begin

u cant handle these gyrations (or my void torrents)

Zlyrax vs Elise pictured 2023

Elise on right

i claimed it first

That’s not how this works!

Here, you can be Mewtwo

lizard defeated in cyber combat by warm blooded mammal colorized circa 2023

Those are rookie numbers. Bad boomie, bad!

Also funny they had 2 boomies and lost, gasp!

Lebad! Glad you won and put them back in the queue!

splash/aoe damage from the back line isnt pvp.

I can have Oca teach you how to hit big numbers?

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Says the hunter with the max range! Silly hunter.

if you want killing blows and high damage, play fury warrior. i dont need to elaborate, ill let you figure it out youve played against me before zzzz, stop with your bad takes.

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