Give another class teleport

I don’t really care which class you give it to, but to provide an example: Give them to Shaman, you gave mages our HeroLust, and Shaman’s Astral Recall has been rendered garbage in the era of 15 minute hearth stones.

Give Shaman (or any one class) teleport*

*To make sure we’re on the same page, I’m saying teleport, NOT portals.


For now, have to settle with these options:
List of teleports - WoW General - Wowhead Forums


Void Elves are like, right there.


The Shaman and the Warlocks were robbed. I don’t know if the Warlocks feel like they were compensated, but I, as a Shaman, do not.

Also, how is there no port toy for Ironforge?

…They can teleport to major cities like Mages can?

I’m thinking that poster might’ve thought you meant “Blink”.

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there are enough toys and engineer stuff in-game that adding teleports wouldn’t be much useful, relevant or would make sense to give it to another class just for the heck of it.

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Give paladins a teleport! We can use the Light to port us around.

But only during daylight hours :neutral_face:


paladins deserve it all

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Warlocks for sure should have a teleport that isn’t gatway. They should get a teleport where they cast a beacon literally anywhere on the screen and then can teleport to it. Delete gateway.

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I’m willing to take this burden


Give it to me, could make us do a sad walk through shadowlands to teleport across areas

Since I mean, we have the ability to do that, or at least used to

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That actually would be a fun aspect of it.

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Wasn’t yours to begin with. That honor belongs to the leatherworkers… and more realistically RTS players.

Good thing they are on a separate cooldown in that case, so it is still useful.

Play as a Dark Iron Dwarf and add engineering for even more digging through the world to get to places. Or play as a Vulperan and you can have a “teleport” to anywhere in the entire world, even in the middle of nowhere.

Or you could opt to complete M+ 20s and get some dungeon teleports.

Alternatively nab the cloak that teleports you to your faction’s major capital.

But hey you could also sacrifice a critter and teleport to the Dark Temple every so often as well.

I’m being facetious but I think my point is at least somewhat clear:
Your request is silly and if you are actually serious about it … you have options. Like genuine and very much so real options to travel literally anywhere in the world, whether it is to use the dalaran hearthstone toy, the regular hearthstone, the garrison hearthstone toy, any other toy, be a specific race, or a specific profession.

This idea of “I am mad at another class for having X when I too also have it in more roundabout ways but also in many cases even more powerful than the class I’m mad at” is… just silly.

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Yeah well, that’s just like…your opinion man


Give me your B-rez then.


I thought Holy had a Brez option?

I wish lol.

I’m still salty that I lost silence in Cata


But will we really care as much after Winter Veil is over?


We mages will teach you the ability to teleport IF you teach us how to transform into a spirit Raven.

Ravens and mages are kin, you know.

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