Give alliance Naga. Give Horde Hozen

Naga and Night Elves don’t mix well. Might want to catch up on basic lore.

Naga player model already exists. There is a trinket to activate it.

Naga ain’t my favorite but I wanted to share my support.

Or if Blizzard gave the Alliance Dark Iron Dwarves, and the Horde AU Mag’har Orcs?

Horde deserves Ogres, not Hozen.

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Yeah, I don’t have high hopes after how they wasted Azshara and Nazjatar into a single patch. The zone we got was still gorgeous (and with a few bugs and terrain/objects glitches which never got fixed and prob never will sadly), but it wasn’t what Nazjatar deserved to be. Oh well

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Naga make more sense Horde teaming up with the Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei, since were both Highborne factions that stayed true to being Highborne, let alone Sin’dorei and Naga already have a precedent for cooperation. Meanwhile on the Alliance you have the filthy peasants. Let alone Naga given their past fit more with the Horde rather than moral purity Alliance.

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Just because they kept the same “tradition” which aka they didn’t. Blood elves and Nightborne ended up having their own with only a slight of their og Highborne roots. Not to mention it was said before Naga would never join the Horde even if they were invited to since they see the Horde as nothing but barbaric blinded fools.

Night Elves and the Silver Covenant are ranked even lower than us though, especially when Naga get the concept of using other races even better than the Nightborne and the Nightborne still chose Horde. Night Elves are also still viewed as rebellious usurpers to the Naga.

Then you have the whole Void Elf issue where a people recklessly pursuing Void power would be a negative to a people trying to distance themselves from 10,000 years of being forced to work with Nzoth.

To be honest, the void elves would actually be one of the keys that would help the Naga join the Alliance because of their void connection and ancestry. Not to mention the blood elves that worked besides the naga have died along time ago on Outland or Northrend.

In what way? I cannot image Umbric or Alleria wanting anything to do with the Naga other than throwing them into the Void/shooting them with so many arrows they resemble porcupines. The Naga were enslaved by the Void and used it’s power recklessly and dangerously. They’re anathema to everything the Void Elves claim to be. I also doubt they have anywhere near enough clout in the Alliance to have any meaningful say.

Unless I’m much mistaken, Kael’thas’ surviving forces from Outland returned to Quel’Thalas. Rommath himself had been with Kael’thas during the events of WC3, and thus would have likely worked alongside Vashj and her Naga. Heck, she freed him and more from the dungeons of Dalaran.

We also never thought the Alliance would let ex horde soldiers into their ranks but here we are. Anything can happen.

They were always keeping a seat open for Quel’Thalas so… not quite.

Which is something pathetic in my opinion but oh well