Give All High Elves Golden Eyes

alleria had a unique transformation. they literally made it non repeatable. just like nathanos

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Green Orcs are called Corrupted Orcs, and Mag’har Orcs are different. I’m not arguing that they aren’t elves anymore, but arguing that they became a different type of elf.

Again, your argumentation does not hold up.


yea but they can change it with one sentence

thats the thing about game writing

anything is possible. void elf light skin tones to mirror high elves more

but ion said that blue eyes dont make sense for blood elves because they evolved past that

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the red orcs are the actually corrupted ones

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They’re still both the exact same species. Not all Blood Elves even have green eyes, despite what the in game models would have you believe. They literally just changed their names. Thats it.

I would also like to ask if you believe the gold eyed elves are a different species too?


Welcome to World of Warcraft.

From Orcs v.s Humans all the way to arguing about eye colors, the true conflict.

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(Commentary): No real disagreement where. There would have to be some method of cleansing involved, but at that point one may as well just add a two-forms like racial with a permanent toggle function. But like I said elsewhere, this will lead to, ‘If you Give a Mouse a Cookie.’ If you give Void Elves light skin tones, then they’ll want blond hair. If you give them blond hair, then they’ll want the racial blue glow turned off and Cathedral of Light NPCs to stop harassing them. If you do that, they’ll want Paladins added. If you do that, they’ll want their race to read as, ‘High Elf.’ It’d honestly just be easier to add High Elves.


nice copy pasta

but you can mirror that for both sides

Lore wise, Golden eye make sense. They are all the same species (You don’t evolve within the same generation, the current “High Elves” will have Blood Elf relatives for gosh sake) so they will react to using different magics with changing Eye color.

OTOH, the named NPCs probably represent a non-trivial faction of the High Elves and I doubt Blizz will change any of their eyes.

can high elf threads be spam


No argument there, what we’ve been saying, is just get rid of the last of HE’s and make them all void elves, no BE skin tones, no blue eyes… just leave it as VE’s and BE’s

That’s what i think is more likely to happen, the next generation being more likely to be golden eyed, and so on unless they start tapping back into Fel.

Really, how fast elves change depending on the magical energy their in contact with is kinda scary

yes. they are essentially empty spiteful attacks at other side…

Good thing we’re not arguing about species, but race then. Gotta love the pedantry.


dude their the same race/people


Nope, different races.


is there a citation for this?

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So with just one announcement belves posters returned to be the cringe race over vulpera…yikes.



ITT: People who don’t understand the basic differences between species, race, and ethnicity.

NA education has failed our society.