It’s starting to look more and more like 8.2 will set up some 8.3 ARs. We won’t see them in 8.2 because Worgen and Goblin models will be eating up the “AR budget” for the art team.
Just from the patch context, I would say Mechagnomes and Gilgoblins will be a big deal in 8.2!
Why have I not seen this thread until now?! Yes I want Gilgobs, wanted them as an allied race for a while now. They can manipulate water, build underwater structures, write, speak in a dialect both factions can understand and fashion weapons. I would like barnacles, sea shells, shark teeth variation, scars, and different gill styles for customization.
Also, I just wish for the new current goblin models to have the legs and arms the same length, please Blizzard!
Something I thought of is that Gilgoblins make great underwater defense units for Horde cities and outposts.
You never know what wetworks operations the Alliance has, and Gilgoblins can just stay in the water to deter underwater resistance (Alliance, naga, or natural creatures), attack enemy ships from below, and assist in underwater structure repair for that matter. With naga being a threat in 8.2, there could be naga from there or around the world that could launch attacks. Seems like they would be very useful in a war, to me.
I’m actually in the process of writing a scenario of an expansion that introduces Ogres and Vrykul as full new races, as opposed to allied races, and both of them are ship oriented races. if Gilgoblins have become an allied race, they could play a big role in that type of expansion. Especially if ship-to-ship combat warfronts become a thing. Ogres being shipwrights and builders could use them to help make ships, also.
Something I really like. I like how Gilgoblins have glowing blue eyes and teeth. I hope they end up becoming an allied race and are able to be druids. Just imagine the sea forms.
“When you’re small, energy’s compressed, so you have the force of a 200-pound man behind a fist a 100th of an inch wide. You’re like a bullet.”
-Ant-Man 2015
So the 8.2 preview stream today mentioned group names for the group that Gilgoblins are a part of, “The Shackled”, and the Jinyu group that assists the Alliance, forget the name of the group.
The point is that it sounds like new reps to grind for the future in case Gilgoblins, Gilblins they were called, and the new Jinyu become allied races in the future. Still watching the stream, but those wanting Gilblins, you might want to keep your eyes peeled for any clues when 8.2 does hit. ^^