Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion

They have not. I also haven’t heard that news. Do you have a source?

Isn’t that their whole point? :stuck_out_tongue:

It is their whole point, yes. The idea of them not being able to breath underwater is rather silly.

Sure is. It’d be like me not being able to breathe air. And I kinda like being able to do so.


The source was some conversation on discord and I couldn’t find another point of reference on google so I wanted to confirm.

They are most likely going to be the last AR if there truly is a last AR. They shouldn’t be an alt skin for goblins, they are completely different.

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It would be very weird if Gilblins became playable and were not able to breathe underwater. As far as I am aware, there is nothing in-game that even hints that they lost that ability, and from what I can tell, they are able to breathe both above and below water.


I would expect underwater breathing would be a racial yes. It would be one of the more underwhelming racials, but it would be a given.


Do you think Gilgoblins will still be an AR, now that sandtrolls and what not are becoming additional customization?

I think it’s possible in the future. That said, at Blizzcon they said they are putting off more AR for now to concentrate on existing races customization options… so if it is a future AR, I doubt it’ll be anytime soon.

I would love to play as a Gilgoblin. I wonder if they would choose to be part of the alliance instead of horde. As goblins tend to be careless with the use of oil & pollution. Oil chokes out aquatic life, I for one would hate anyone that messes with my ability to breathe. As for racials, swim speed & water breathing should be a must, perhaps even water walking as well? I hope they do become an allied race, it would be so much fun. I love their fins and glowy eyes. The sea and everything in it has always felt like home to me in any game and rl. Sooo… Yeah, Gilgoblin’s have my vote/hope :heart: c:

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I’m giving you the doubtful look. What has the Alliance actually done for the Gilblin?

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With Vulpera using the Goblin model I feel like it will be difficult to argue a case for Gilblins being an AR. There are also the major reasons why they wouldn’t be a playable race, like for example that they are an amphibious race and forcing them to live on land is ridiculous.

I would rather see ogres or gnolls be the allied race tied to goblins. They have a history of working with both of these races and would make sense to see either of them end up as an allied race. Ofcourse there is more support for ogres, but I would find gnolls to be an interesting choice as a severely stupid race that isn’t just brute force.

I don’t think gilblins are technically amphibians (due to the birthing and internal organ requirements being unlikely for a playable race), though they can live on both land and water like Murlocs. They have hair anyway, so they’re probably just water-breathing mammals.

Regarding Gnolls and Ogres:
Culturally, they both respect strength and tend to follow who ever is strongest. But there is some distinction.
Gnolls don’t really take any joy in cruelty, stuff like cannibalism is purely for pragmatic survival.
Ogres, however, do seem to take a great deal of pleasure in watching smaller races suffer. They’re natural bullies.
That said, the Horde has the Stonemaul who were subjugated into servitude under Rexxar based in Dustwallow and Feralas, and they’re actually pretty interesting. There’s also the Dunemaul who were basically tricked into slavery.
There isn’t a precedent of the Horde working with Gnolls.

I would like to see Gnolls fleshed out more with nuance, but not as an Allied Race.
Ogres are complicated because, yes, there is one clan with actual nuance in the Horde, but Ogres were also the primary villains to the Orcs on Draenor, and only joined the first (evil) Horde because of the power offered.

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I don’t know. I’ve only played the horde side of things. But it doesn’t matter who’s done what if you can’t breathe. Oil spills & sea life don’t mix. If you lived thru wildfire smoke the past years, would you be friends with the ones who started them? I wouldn’t. :man_shrugging:

Hello everyone. Hope all is going well. So at this point, I think there are mainly 1 or 2 things that could happen in terms of seeing Gilgoblins playable.

1. They become a custom option in the shadowlands.

They are doing this with wildhammers, so I suspect that they may go down a similar route with Gilgoblins. Not the most ideal situation, but better than nothing I suppose. And Gilgoblin already have a lot of lore so if they do become a custom option, it should be a pretty decent deal. I just hope they would go as far as to add fins and unique ears and not just give us blue tinted goblins.

2. They do actually become one of the last allied races.

Now what if it turns out that the allied race system is more for races we closely helped rather than variations or a combination of both? I’ve got word that Neri Sharpin shows up in 8.3 at the peace treaty and there is of course those suspicious quotes by the the Gilblins and Atolia. However it strikes me as whatever the allied races would next be would use the worgen rig or be related to undead somehow. I am not going to push to hard for this since I know out there someone is hoping for an undead or worgen AR and it strikes me as though a lot of people would be upset if gilblins did become one of the last ARs. Half of the excitement about ARs is having something to feel hyped about and its hard to feel hyped if there is a lot of hatred directed toward said thing.

I personally see number 1 in all honesty as the better option for most while the second one is obviously better for those of us like Gilgoblins.


I just wanted to say that if Gilblins become playable in some fashion, I’m still interested in making at least one. I also want to see what the Unshackled will do since we did beat up Azshara, something I’ve personally done in case they were destined as a future allied race. I recall something about them wanting to explore some areas in some fashion.

Also if they do end up as a customization option for Goblins, I hope they’ll be able to at least breathe underwater. It wouldn’t make much sense for a being with gills to only be able to be underwater the same amount as other races, who are land dwelling, before they drown.

At any rate, it’s my opinion that Blizzard can always add more allied races in the future and expand the character creation screen to add more slots as needed. Thus, I hope people will continue to support the races they want to be playable, core or allied. :smiley:


Lets say they become a customization option, one can get very creative to fill in the gaps:

  1. Water breathing: Engineering and water breathing potions.
  2. Druids: Roll a shaman and make clever use of toy items for transformations. Not ideal, but better than nothing.
  3. Heritage armor: Nobody every said this was needed. Plenty of cool aquatic armor to go around.
  4. Story and lore: RP and maybe forming a Gilgoblin group. Plus they already have some decent lore in Nazjatar.

So all things considered, its not to bad if they become a custom option.

I’d prefer them as a Allied Race, I feel they are too different from regular Goblins to justify that.

Gilgoblins are an annoying, ugly, and boring race. If they would become playable then it would be the biggest waste of an allied race slot. People are so eager for mediocrity when instead of a garbage race with little support we could get something much more amazing with actual effort put into it like Mogu.