Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion


That’s gonna be an “Oof” from me. XD

Heh. Now I’ve seen it all. Or have I? Mechagilgnomes perhaps?

Dang it, take your like.


Aqua Mekkatinkers? All I’m asking for is Shark Druids with frikken lazers on their heads!

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If leaks are true gilblins could come out in 9.0 or even prepatch.


Well no gilgoblin updates, but with the normal gobs updated, there’s nothing we can’t fix!

I don’t like the eyes on my (male) goblin anymore : / , at least on the face I like. I hope if we do get gilblins they won’t mess up there eyes. Or alternatively face options different from eye color.

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Fish have the prettiest eyes!

Edit: Btw I just noticed some interesting dialogue in Mechagon:

Grizzek Fizzwrench says: “It sounds like ol’ Hobart may not have been completely forthright in inventing his ‘inventions’”

“I wonder if he really created anything he claimed.”

Though Saphronetta then mentions Subject Nine, implying that it’s his disastrous inventions that are genuine.


If it is true that he did not create them, then this opens the world to a whole bunch of possibilities. What if these gilblins actually have the same intelligence as goblins, but we don’t know it yet?


I also thought I would bring this up. Quotes by Neri Sharpin and Lenu Grillback which are both new in patch 8.2.5

The first one suggests that they are going to be returning to their homes in a future time. However what I am particularly curious is what could be their homes?

The second one adds to the further implications that it is possible that Hobart really didn’t invent these guys. However until there is solid lore on this we cannot be sure. I think it would also be a good idea to keep an eye out for the next chronical book and see if anything comes up on this.

Side: Note. Most of the time I would say I am not to happy about the male goblin model updates, but I think for gilblins the smile makes lots of sense since being extra nice and close to nature is kinda their thing.


I wasn’t sold on the theory that they were natural at first, but that might just be a possibility now

Edit: Ooh our fellow short races, vulpera and mechagnomes, were just confirmed!

With new and expanded character customization a big feature of Shadowlands, there might be a chance for gilgoblins after all! Dwarves will get Wildhammers, trolls will get Sandfury and Blood Trolls, forsaken can hide bones … maybe goblins can have new gilgoblin skin colors and fin options? Not sure yet if this feature will extend to all pre-allied races, but if goblins are going to get new character customization, gilgoblin looks seem to be in line with what some of the other races are getting!


That would be neat! A lack of any swimming buffs would be too bad, but the appearance would still be really cool.


I’m guessing gilblin customization might come with goblin stuff if it’s anything like wildhammer. I do hope they consider introducing racials similar to the mag’har/ zandalari where some racials can be picked. It would certainly make the customizations more interesting and along with the theme of the expansion of player choices.


Not allied race, I’m tired of chasing that bone already. Just add them as customization options to Goblins.

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Really don’t know how that’d work, considering some class incompatibility (they don’t seem the type to be warlocks), the racials being really thematically unfitting for gilgobs and the fact that they’d be able to go through the Kezan starting zone.

I mean wildhammer have druids. They won’t be playable… and they won’t have to go through kezan ya know. You have an option to choose between exile’s reach. So it wouldn’t break immersion. And you have to go through there if your a completly new player.

Can kelfin, or gilgoblin breath underwater?


I was hearing news that it was retconed, so they haven’t lost this ability?