He did choose Gallywix…and Garrosh…and the troll who handed the position to Sylvanas…
Wow maybe Thrall is just evil
He did choose Gallywix…and Garrosh…and the troll who handed the position to Sylvanas…
Wow maybe Thrall is just evil
I’m hoping they can be water druids.
I can just IMAGINE how exasperated and angry the Night Elf and Worgen Druids would be over in the Cenarion Circle at the sight of them.
I wonder what their bear form would be though. Maybe something like a mini brute naga?
Perhaps some form of a snapping turtle. Would look ferocious while still being able to use its claws. ^^
Quick edit: I should think of other forms for fun.
The snap dragon uses the cat skeleton already, so that one would work well
(Model viewer)
Have a look at this. The voices are really neat for the Gilgoblins. PS: Actual video. Not an image uploaded as a video.
Hmm … that is interesting. Their voices (at least for the females) aren’t really that bad. I am however a little bit concerned about their appearance though. The two females may have different skin colors, but they are using the exact same face. The males aren’t in much better shape on that front. Its definitely one of those wait and see sort of things…
Another interesting thing I learned. Although the unshackled have members of multiple races, the Gilgoblins appear to be leading it and seem to also be the primary emissaries that you turn in world quests for. I believe that is one of the first quests. I am not sure though.
All these PTR details summed up perfectly;
What do you mean I can only choose one at a time? I want a gilgoblin posse.
According to the PTR development notes, Nazjatar “is starting in an advanced state for ease of testing and access to more of the content.” I assume this means we have skipped all the introductory quests where we find ourselves shipwrecked and meet the locals. This is probably the early phase where we recruit the bodyguards and build up our base, so a lot of the backstory for the gilgoblins as well as their individual personalities and motivations have already been established without our having seen them yet. (I want to know more about the soup-dispensing pot-stirrer.)
I noticed this, too! The Unshackled are definitely a gilgoblin outfit, albeit with sea giant, makrura, and murloc friends.
Poen can be my healing protégé
I love how they seemingly have their own name for themselves, the “Kelfin”. They may have started out as Hobbart’s experiments, but we’re starting to see the beginnings of an entire culture here!
Notable in that they seem to REALLY care about each other.
Also going back in Poen, his ability names and icons for them.
…Do they seem more Shaman or Druid to you all?
Seems like a resto shaman to me. He uses water to heal, and has a rain spell.
I have strong suspicions that if they regain their intelligence(if they haven’t already), then it would likely be from their own doing or perhaps maybe there is other Kajamite down there we don’t know about. Other things to keep an eye out for:
Any sort of material that might be giving them a boost in intelligence.
Any sort of situation that might indicate what kind of classes they can be. I think Gilblin has been right on the nose so far in predicting what kinds of classes they could likely be. Someone mentioned that they saw a Gilblin npc in cat form. Still not positive if this is true.
I’d also keep an eye out for how Hobart interacts with these guys if he does at all. I’ll bet you that somewhere there is going to be some dialog from him about this since he is their initial creator.
What do you mean I can only choose one at a time? I want a gilgoblin posse.
Yes. Its disappointing ikr.
Ikr. It is ridiculous. However I am not too worried. More and more of the PTR stuff that comes out just adds additional reasons to why they will be likely as an allied race.
Us Gobs are a niche market; we aren’t your typical Elf, Human or Orc. Like Gnomes, I’ve come to notice it takes a special kind of person to appreciate the smaller and less traditional races. I see this behaviour in my D&D games too; the folks who tend to think more outside the box tend towards the more obscure races.
Nothing wrong with it either way, being someone who appreciates Goblins & Gomes just means you have to find like-minded individuals in a sea of more traditional archetypes.
This is one of the things I love about goblins tbh. Normally this wouldn’t concern me much. However there are people(such as the Vulpera fans) trying to push for a race that is basically nothing like goblin other than the rig and height to be AR. And I just don’t know if blizzard is going to cave to this or if they will stick to the standard pattern of similar ARs. If allied races from the get go were genuinely unique than I’d have been okay with it, but so far all allied races released have always been the same racial type. Then there is the highly speculated mechagnomes. Not it would be a huge slap in the face if they gave us Vulpera especially whilst gnomes get mechagnomes. Gilgoblins and Mechagnomes could make a great pairing.