Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion

Im hoping the alchemy just upgraded there mutation rate allowing them to adapt to environments really fast. It could lead to interesting powers. Similar to the Saurods made by the mogu. Having fun playing my goblin rogue in Vashjr with the gilblin there.


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This is a picture someone posted in the Goblin Discord today. A few of the Gilgoblins that we will be meeting in Nazjatar apparently. I am going to have to take a look at the PTR soon. This is looking interesting.

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Bigger picture of the above!


Found a resto shaman!


Interesting thing I noticed. In that first picture, it shows that one of the Gilgoblins knows engineering. So what this means its that Gilgoblins that we meet in Nazjatar are at least smart enough to do engineering like most races.

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I have to admit, actually seeing stuff with the Gilblins is making me excited. I hope people continue to share information about them. ^^


I’m more on board with them now 
 but PLEASE don’t let them just be dumber blue Goblins. A simple pallet swap is just not something I’m interested in an Allied race; they need to have a distinct culture and civilization (and NO a simple water themed paint-job is not really distinct).

Plus, Blizz already has an atrocious track record of showing Goblins as little more than Greed-filled, suicidal lemmings 
 if done wrong GilBlins could make that issue so, SO much worse. Not to mention, depending on where the writing teams head is at this Allied race very much could serve to reinforce Gallywix’s rule; which 
 god I hope not

Nothing like perpetually having the Goblin responsible for more Goblin deaths than the Alliance be our racial leader into perpetuaity (presumably because Blizz is too lazy to replace him).


It would be such a shame if he were to
slip into the water and drown


If they kill him, I’d say throw the Gil’s a parade. If they bring the Sea Giants into the Horde as an NPC racial asset (like Gron) 
 even more so.


Another thing comes to mind. Do these Gilgoblins have some sort of big figurehead or leader? Someone of major importance that could sort of act as the representative for their people? If so, then we should keep an eye on the actions of that character. Kind of like prince Mechagon.

Its a good point to keep tabs on. Honestly, as strange as this is, I would almost prefer the GilGoblins (if they are slated to be an AR) remain a bit more communal and feral than their Goblin counterparts. They can be clever and adaptive, but Blizz should take advantage of the species allied with them (the Makura and the Sea Giants). There are different types of intelligences, so building up a budding civilization around these Naga slave races might be rather compelling.

That being said 
 I really do hope Mechagon is Blizz’s way of building up Gazlowe to take over the cartel. I honestly cannot imagine how Gallywix would operate with the Gilblins if he not only remained in charge; but also recruited them. He already treats his own people like expendable garbage


Would blizz really be that
 bad? I mean, they have to know the avg Goblin player absolutely loathes Gallywix with the fire of a thousand suns by this point.


Not just the Players, the majority of Goblin NPCs despise Wix. Its actually sort of shocking that the Horde Goblins are the only ones that aren’t allowed competent leadership (except for Mida, who’s very rare to get development or see use). I could absolutely see him finding benefit in recruiting Sea Giants as his new enforcers, or “dumb Gilblins” as his new expendable mooks to reinforce his control over the cartel. It is a possibility that genuinely is not something I can take off the table.

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SHTAAAAAAAP, hush, stop giving blizz ideas!

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As a villian, I think Gallywix is top notch, but as a racial leader I hate him. When Mekkatorque came knocking on Zul’dazar, where the heck was our supposedly brilliant leader’s amazing goblin engineering? Oh right. Due to his incompetence in not properly fueling the machine and the clear lack of caring to make it really good enough, Mekkatorque spanked him. Gallywix’s mount is collectable in Lfr for crying out loud. Not to mention this whole situation just reinforced the idea that goblin engineering is worse to some when it really just depends. Now Siegecrafter Blackfuse. That as the kind of goblin I would have loved to have fighting on our side if he was alive today.


I can’t believe that after freeing the goblins from being enslaved by Gallywix, Thrall puts Wix back in charge and not


RIGHT?!?! That was a big what the heck blizzard moment from me. I mean, I get why as players we can’t be the racial leader obviously, but sassy would have been perfect for the job. Thrall lost like 50DKP for that foul up in my eyes.


Gallywix would have been good as some sort of recurring villain in my opinion, but as our racial leader? I really wish I knew what blizzard’s reasoning was to have him be our racial leader instead of someone else.


Now I’m sad that we couldn’t have handed the mantle to our humble assistant :c

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Thrall is my least favorite of past horde leaders and that is one of the many reasons for it. Didn’t help that he cheated when fighting against Garrosh.