Just to bring up, on the VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY off chance they ever become playable, they won’t have underwater breathing, increased underwater breathing, or swim speed.
They do not give two races the same racial.
Forsaken have the ability to breathe underwater, and Kul Tirans have increased underwater breathing and swim speed.
And you can imagine the outrage that would happen if they nerfed an alliance racial by taking away one half of it like swim speed or such (especially one that’s useless to begin with) just to give it to the horde.
If they were to get an underwater based racial, it’d likely be an active ability like a sprint, but still count as a passive. (like how zandalari have their goblin glider as their passive movement racial)
It is possible that they could make a very specific variation of it. Gilgoblins of all races seem like the type of race that definitely should have a water breathing racial of some kind or something that deals with water adaptation. After all. We’ve seen that Gilgoblins are able to survive in deep water for long periods of time.
Yeah I think I’ll add that idea of a castable water breathing racial to the post. Instead of constant water breathing, you focus on your gills to replenish your oxygen bar.
Again, there would be mass outrage if they nerfed an Alliance Racial just to give it to the Horde. (No matter how horrible the Alliance Racial is)
If they took away increased Swim Speed from Kul Tirans just to give it to a Horde Race, regardless of how useless the racial is, it would cause a serious outrage.
You though the current “racial imbalance” comments are bad? Just see how bad it gets when THAT happens.
And no, no two races have the same racial. Yes, there are similar ones, but none that are the same. Hence, if Gilgoblins were to get a swim speed buff, it’d have to be an active ability. Same with water breathing, as Forsaken Already have perma-breathing and Kul Tirans have increased breath.
But … the Vulpera don’t exactly have the best relationship with the Alliance atm.
They also have increasingly stronger ties to the Zandalari; and by extension the Horde. It would also be a decidedly bad thing for them to risk their people to such a massive degree to ally against the Zandalari’s current enemy. By all indications, if the Vulpera are to be playable … they would be Horde.
Beyond that, I think that their playability will largely depend on WHAT exactly the writers decide to do with the GilGoblin’s in Naz’jatar. We still have very little information on the little blue greed-monsters as of right now. We’ll just have to wait to see how things go…
Honestly, I don’t see the problem with Gilblins having the ability to breathe underwater even if Undead can do it. In fact, I would expect them to be able to breathe underwater, and it fits them as a race. Just because a race has one particular feature, such as water breathing, doesn’t mean that feature can’t be implemented on another race, in my opinion.
Besides, if they can breathe underwater, then we can have some “under the sea” parties!
Give them a racial that causes them to do +25% damage while swimming. Despite what it looks like it would be really niche, like most racials, since there are very few spots in PvP/Dungeons/Raids where you’d be swimming. (The Blacksmith at Arathi Basin would be pretty fun though, knock enemies into the water while your friends play piranha)
By all indications, if the Vulpera are to be playable … they would be Horde.
Some things aren’t always what they appear. There are a lot of reasons why Vulpera legit may never be an AR. Same can be said with Gilgoblins. This why I don’t like to get too excited or bits and pieces of information found through datamining right now. A few things to keep in mind:
1. There are litterally dozens of models with animations that they never use on their npcs.
Some of the Eredar boss models have some mount emotes and npc emotes.
2. Blizzard has specifically stated that races found in the “races” tab of wowmodelviewer aren’t guaranteed to be playable.
3. It could be a setup for a different race.
This work being done on Vulpera, could actually be a setup for a different race we don’t know of yet. What if it turns out there is going to be a new type of goblin race that won’t be unveiled till next expansion. Blizzard is working on it now and Vulpera is being used as a base for it? Its not impossible and this actually happened with Vykrul vs Kul’tiran.
4. A lot of content we don’t know about lies ahead.
It is important to realize that there is still an entire expansion ahead of us and next expansion is almost certainly going to wield new races. It is very possible that one day a new race may show up with more work on it done and end up becoming the goblin AR.
5. Intrinsic similarities/Don’t trust everything said by blizzard.
There is of course the fact that all allied race released so far have been the same racial type and I wouldn’t treat statements made by blizzard as blanket 100% proof. They have been known to lie and stretch the truth in the past. They can always change their mind and it is very possible that not everyone in blizzard always holds the same agreement.
6. It may not have taken as much work to make Vulpera as you think. For this I am going to split it into a few parts.
6.1 Unique animations were probably easy to do
The average Joe can learn to make wow animations watching this video with no prior knowledge of blender in just about 15 minutes then make a handful of animations within about an hour. Most of these “unique” animations I’ve seen on Vulpera are variations. Now just imagine how quickly a team of highly paid professions with years of experience and the resources of a multbilliondollar company. Making all those animations was probably an after thought to them:
6.2 Recycling rigs and parts
We already know that the Vulpera model came from the goblin model and then was altered. This automatically saves a tremendous amount of work since they also got a bunch of animations from it. However they also could have gotten pieces of rigs from older models for the tail, cape physics and other things. It isn’t smart to assume that this was just all done fresh. There are also many models from npcs that have even more bones and detail that remain unplayable.
6.3 Geosets.
Again. Geosets could have been copy and pasted. Especially since goblins have a similar body structure and size. You can find a lot of these on models in wowmodelviewer from races that that are unplayable also. Not all of them are in the races tab and many of them have fitting armor. It is worth nothing that there are also many pieces of armor that simply don’t work when you try to equip them in wowmodelviewer.
6.4 Clipping.
I’ve seen it mentioned many times about the fact that armor in vulpera geosets often doesn’t clip. This is again jumping to conclusions as we don’t know how the system works that blizzard uses to fix this. Blizzard could have a system that automatically hides intersecting pieces.
6.5 Meshes/Weight painting
Again. There are literally dozens of new npcs with complex and unique meshes in wow. Vulpera was probably an after thought in the work process of BFA and lets not forget that they use goblins as a base so a large chunk of work as already done.
There are so many factors that can explain all of what seems to be a lot work done on Vulpera. It can be easily taken out of context or there are critical factors we don’t know about. All of these same things also apply to anything found on any other race except the one about racial similarities with mechagnomes. Fundamentally it is not a good idea to jump conclusions about this stuff since we really don’t know the entire picture.
Did … you just counter a post where I essentially stated that its up in the air as to whether the Vulpera would be a playable AR race for the Goblins or not; depending on what they actually do with the GilGoblins in Naz’Jatar? Like, I get that you are REALLY REALLY into the headcannon you created for your GilGoblin AR, but you have to admit that there was nothing false with that statement.
IF GilGoblins have a strong presence in Naz’jatar, and it fleshes out them as a race (which atm, IN GAME and CURRENT LORE, they are rather destitute on that front) they could be a serious contender for that AR Race slot. But … if not … if they are merely a vehicle to lead us through a heavily Elf and Naga related zone; the chances of them being an AR Race is very slim (unless what you want is just another AR race that exists PURELY for aesthetics like the Void Elves).
I get a bit carried away sometimes. The thing is that I would really just like to see some better goblin representation. Since legion, I was hoping for more goblin related content and more things to help boost interest in the goblin race. I mostly just worry if Vulpera gets released then interest in goblins will plummet to nearly zero. On top of that, if it comes in place of a decent goblin AR, then I will make me start wondering if blizzard even cares about goblins much at all. Adding to this extra is that there has been a lot of gnome content. However then again…
Perhaps our time to shine may not be until close to when they release heritage armor for goblins. That may be the time goblins start getting some good content.
I never even mention nerfing the KT racial. I am talking about giving the horde a better only for this racial.
Human and undead had the same racial for years.
I just cant get over the fact that a aquatic race couldn’t have a passive swimming speed boost because a human race already have it. Its just dont make sense.
And if you think that it would be a problem that alliance player whine about the horde having a better racial for the speed boost, i thing the problem would be that the alliance see injustice in the fact that a aquatic race swim faster than a fat human.
They are not going to give Horde a better version of an Alliance racial. That’s literally the exact same thing as nerfing the Alliance one.
And no, Human and Alliance did not have the same racial. Undead one only cleared Fears and Charms and turned them undead. Alliance one cleared all and shared a cooldown with the trinket.
I also agree that undead and aquatic races shouldn’t need to breathe underwater and I’m not concerned on whether it’s counted as a racial either.
Something that would make a neat racial for aquatic races might be the underwater equivalent of “running wild”. 3 second cast under water “mount” and you’re just swimming faster. Could spruce it up with a better animation. Naga, gilgoblins, jinyu/ankoan…
An increase to the regular swim speed should be done as well.