Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion

I completely forgot about the mecha shark until you mentioned it. But yeah, id love to have one in WoW! Actually… id love to have ALL the HotS mounts be added into WoW :laughing:


I changed my mine. Make the water form this brilliant mecha-shark!




That mount looks like it would be amazing!


Omg what if it was some kind of water elemental powered machine

Shamanism + tinkering

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My mind. It exploded. Don’t tell my wife, she’ll make me pay the hospital fees, just let me die here. Peacefully in wistful thinking.

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That sounds awesome! I love the mythic Jaina mount! Having something similar to it, but easier to obtain would be really nice!

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I personally think that shamanism the way the goblins use it is right now, is basically a tinker class right under our nose. Just one look at their totems and the lore behind them using it, would probably tell you that shamanism is probably basically a form of elemental tinkering. However I could be wrong and maybe they do in fact use actual magic. Gnome priests though are medics in lore.

I’ve always thought of it as shamanism at heart, but enhanced by modern goblin technology. Perhaps even originating from when the goblins first colonized Kezan and were still primitive islanders.

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I’ll be honest, I never did understand goblin shamans.

I love the concept, but I don’t get the lore.

It’s pretty simple; Elementals on Azeroth are intelligent beings, with goals that they want met. They often need others to help meet those objectives, particularly if it’s against an opposing Elemental.

Goblins are considered some of the best deal makers in all of Azeroth, they know how to wheel, deal, and make an offer nobody can refuse. So they don’t beg for power like an Orc or a Troll, they straight up ask for power in exchange for doing the bidding of those same Elementals. Contacts abound, with the necessary fine-print included.

Ever seen the anime called Kaze no Stigma? Think of Goblin Shamans like that; they are Contractors.


I give my begrudging personal endorsement towards this thread. May the fish goblins rise. (Along with Vulpera)


I’ve been slowly, but surely less and less treating this whole allied race thing as an us vs them matter and rather just try to have a good time and understand each other. The OP of this thread sets a very good example for others.


It’s been the admirable and respectable way gilgoblin enthusiasts, the OP included, that has turned my opinion on Gilgoblins. My first encounters with pro gil posters seemed to be mostly barbs directed specifically at Vulpera and it gave me kind of a sour taste. I didn’t want to say it but it seemed like they were trying to manufacture conflict with Vulpera just to boost their own visibility, and I didn’t care for it. However, the efforts made here have made a much better impression. So thank you. I look forward to reading more here.


My first encounters with pro gil posters seemed to be mostly barbs directed specifically at Vulpera and it gave me kind of a sour taste.

Admittedly this was mostly my fault. Gilblin has pretty always been pretty nice from the get go, but the thing about me is that I started on a bit of a Gilgoblin crusade after a number of people basically said that nobody wanted Gilgoblins and I am a HUGE goblin nerd. Like seriously. I have about 14 goblin toons. Done the goblin starting zone like 28 times and I could go on and on. And thing is I feel pretty emotionally attached at times to goblins. Ever since legion, I was hoping one day there might be another nice AR for goblins. But…

It is less pitch forks and torches with me now and more constructive discussion. I was basically just trying to get more noticed and try to deconstruct a lot of the myths that some people were saying about Gilgoblins that were bothering me a lot. At this point, I don’t think that is needed anymore. Least not like it was before.

PS: This is Atmozohelios if it wasn’t obvious.

Well, I’m glad the spirit of constructive dialogue won out. I think we’re all better for it!


See, I have no issues with Vulpera myself. Hell, they are cute, vicious little fox people! That is awesome, one hundred percent. I hope they happen for the folks that really want them, but me?

I love Goblins, and even though Blizzard has said Allied Races are not sub-races, every single AR released so far has been exactly that. A Zandalari troll is still a troll, custom rig or not. Same for the Kul Tiran. Lightforged Draenei are just another space goat, and Highmountain Tauren are just moose ears stuck on.

For me it would be really disappointing if all the other core races got a racial variant and Goblins got ghosted on the deal. It would make me feel like Blizzard doesn’t care about the Goblin community at all. I’d still play a Vulpera (and happily so!), but if I can also get some Gilblin up in here? I would be beyond ecstatic!


I can understand that sentiment. And as much as I love Vulpera, I would feel bad if they precluded a goblin variant that goblin fans wanted. I can only hope that allied races will not simply cease to be made once every core race has exactly one twin and Blizzard allows for such cases as Vulpera and Gilgoblins


I don’t have any likes left for another nine hours apparently, so take this money bag as a sign of my appreciation towards ya Eevee. The highest compliment a Goblin can pay (sorry, bad pun!) someone else. :moneybag:


It is always possible that both could end up being races somehow. And to be honest. I think Vulpera would be a great race to play as. Apart of the issue is this. It has been mentioned before that allied races are not sub races of course. Here is kind of the thing though. So far 8 races have come out and they’ve always been the same races the one they were partnered with. So if it really is true that they aren’t sub races, I personally would still feel not too happy if they suddenly started breaking this pattern with niche races. If the races that have come out so far really were more unique races, then I’d have long felt totally okay with it.

But I think you can see how some people when seeing this pattern might get their hopes up for a race kind of like the one they like to play when this happens. Now personally, I’d have been fine with just custom options. However it is up to Bliz. Let me show you something.

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Lets take this character for example. I rp this character as a fel goblin. Pretty effectively too. I mean I do look quite like a fel goblin or even a Gan’arg. But blizzard didn’t go the route of custom options so here we are.

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