Gilgoblin Allied Race suggestions/discussion

I’d really really love it if they came out with bioluminescent hair and fins for Gilgoblins in the future, but I am not going to count on it this expansion. Just tossing the idea out there though. It would look rad and a lot of people who say they wouldn’t play Gilgoblins just might if this was a special custom option for them.

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There is A LOT of creativity to explore with anything deep sea related. It’ll be really interesting to see what they do with them.


Gilblins and Sea Giants for horde and Jinyu and Sea Elven Werenaga for alliance.

Imagine if Ogres became a main race, then got sea giants as an AR? That could be pretty neat too.

Sure would. Ogres and Vrykul both need to be a thing.
Think it’s also been said that Ogres were seafaring, as are the vrykul, so the navies would benefit from them as well.
Some nordic themed sailing vessels…yes please.


I can imagine it now, a temple of live rock and covered in weeds. Surrounded by tide pools in which his small devoted nourish the kelp and sea anemones :3

Ofc, horde already has the most druid races so I doubt Blizz would want to make an excuse for even more

Pfft, just add more to the Alliance =D
Could even have areas with air pockets for visits by surface dwellers.


indeed, Ogres are seafaring. The Gorian Empire in AU Draenor was suppose to have naval capabilities and ships, which was scrapped since WoD was kinda botched. Also fun fact, Orc ships are designed from Ogre ships. I forget where I read that, though.

The Stonemaul clan sailed from Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor to find a new home, and Dustwallow Marsh would make a great naval base for Ogres since Theramore is no longer there.

And on the subject of ships, I would think Gilblins would make great crew members on a ship.They could patch things up underwater, make sure anchors are working properly, and act as an underwater defense to enemies and such. ^^


I figured you were the one who I’d see post info on it.
Makes sense that orc ships would be derived from ogres since the orcs are as well.

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Well they could throw an Orc similarity and make the peons dumbdumbs and the higher ranking ones more intelligent.


A group entranced by the shiny goblin thingamabobs, and a group that seeks more kinship with the spirity part of the Horde :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait wait wait. Their god could be an angler fish XD a metal angler fish.

Frankly, I think all races have their peons. Even the high and mighty elves have to have someone who works as a measly laborer.

Wait wait wait. Their god could be an angler fish XD a metal angler fish.

What God do regular goblins worship anyway?

Cold hard cash probably. Or the Goblin with the fattest stacks.

Yeah it’s a bit unfortunate that Orcs are the only punch of that joke.

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Interestingly, dwarfs have a similar passion for tinkering and engineering as gnomes. However they lack:

  1. The self discipline
  2. And the intelligence

To do it on a level that gnomes do. It is also still possible for Gilgoblins to be tinkers and engineers to a degree even if they aren’t the smartest with it. However if they have some sort of magical advantage or affinity that regular goblins don’t then this could make up for it.

Yeah it’s a bit unfortunate that Orcs are the only punch of that joke.

It is probably because male orcs fit into that stereotypical militaristic tough as nails still people often think when they think of the army.

Wonder if going off what said above, being blessed by a Loa could be used as a reason for them being smarter and maybe the desire for money and such could be explained as they just like shiney things, so gather money and gems and other bits. Or maybe if they’re not as smart, maybe that’s why they like the shiney things…they’re dumber but retain that as a devolved form of the greed.



I think I’m becoming known for playable Ogre support and such, for better or worse. ^^;

On another note, I support Gilblin Druids. As I mentioned, I’d be real curious about their Druid forms. Might consider making a female Gilblin Feral Druid if possible. ^^


Most probably don’t, but unlike the Gnomes, I bet a few probably worship the Light given at least one was among the Argent Crusade.
Others probably are Shamanistic.

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I know that being a priest doesn’t require worshipping any specific God in this game. I think it has something to do with having faith in the light or something like that.

Still throwing in my support for Gilgobs! :tropical_fish:

I really like the bio-luminescence idea! One can tie their customization similar to fish that one can fish up around Azeroth. That would give a wealth of scale patterns as well as colors! Can even give them whiskers like catfish or barbs along their forearms like a pike.